3 Answers
The admin is not good at answering questions from any of their supporters, otherwise known as aka members. My only suggestion is to email them, everyday, until they respond.....yes.....every single day! Hopefully, that will get their attention and they can take 5 minutes to fix your account!
10 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Thank You Ducky, If only there were more Duckys like you we would all live happily ever after, Anyhow I still love you ,for all your effort ,again LOL..(,<*__*>)
Keep writing in a form they can actually answer. Simple I know but they’ve written me back twice. I think a moderator should be able to help you with your problem………...
10 years ago. Rating: 3 | |

Sure. Have you noticed that when I comment, my avatar is missing? I asked them about that, right on the forum. I know they saw it because they answered someone else's question, in the same thread. I'm not part of the "elite" apparently. :((
Allo! Allo! Is that dissent I hear? I've spoken to Colleen thru email a couple of times & she has always been exceptionally helpful.

That's great. How about your communications with the admin though. That is the problem area for many of the members. It shouldn't have to "go through" anyone. Admin says to contact them anytime. Uh huh.

And the big picture....akaQA is just one of thousands of forums on the internet. I really can't get too concerned about problems that are theirs and not mine. I don't own the business and so it doesn't operate the way MY business would, but I'm very sure that I won't be here forever anyway.
@Ducky, we are aware of this bug and it will be fixed in the next version of AkaQA. I'm sorry if I missed your previous post about this.
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