    some people think that cities are the best places for living

    +1  Views: 740 Answers: 9 Posted: 10 years ago

    This is a good question, evu. Thank you for asking and giving us a chance to comment and reply

    9 Answers

    I live in a sub-urban/urban area on a creekside but recently spent a few weeks in Vancouver city B.C. and fell in love with the city! You can walk everywhere or take a bus and there are shops and places to work everywhere and the rents we saw were not too bad at all and it is so-ooo pretty with all the trees and lights and mountains and the seashore... wow... I would live there gladly!



    It really does depend on the city, lindilou. Some have taken great interest in maintaining beauty, or are situated in a beautiful place from the get-go. Vancouver IS beautiful; I was fortunate enough to visit many years ago, and fell in love, also. :D

    Lindi, It sounds like heaven ♥

    I live in Austin, TX and I love it! Lots to do just a stone’s throw away………...

    I live in a city  of 2 Million people & love it.I've had the country life too & loved it.

    I have lived in a (small) city and I've also lived in the country. There are definite advantages to each one. I especially loved the quiet of the country but city living is so much more convenient.

    I prefer the country, but the city is very convenient for everything. Wouldn't it be nice to be wealthy enough to have a, house at both. 


    YES!!! Oh man ... that'd be the life ... ;)

    City life does afford many conveniences.  I am within walking distance (we are talking one mile and less) of churches, grocers, hardware and home improvement/DIY, a huge variety of restaurants, a couple of bars, dry cleaners, martial arts/self defense studio, banks, beauty salons, doctors, dentists, variety stores, even a veterinarian (and Starbucks, even).  The bowling alley was sold and transformed to offices years ago, or I'd never need to get in my car! I even have a pool and hot tub that I don't have to maintain personally.  :D

    My son and I were talking this morning, and he told his wife some people were not meant to live in the city, himself being one, and me being another.   He's right.  With all the conveniences, I like my privacy and would still like a barn with some farm animals, and a huge vegetable garden, and some fruit trees.  I'd love a farmhouse with a wraparound porch! 

    "" and a lake!

    depends on the city . Some large cities are h- - -  holes, and some big cities are very livable. As for me personally, I'd like to live in the country, but withing driving distance of a smaller city - - - -so I can go to the stores, restaurants, movie theaters.

    Some people are city folks and some are country folks. I like to visit cities but I prefer to live in the suburbs.

    Not Glen! 

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