    What do you think about unisex bathrooms?



    +11  Views: 1079 Answers: 11 Posted: 10 years ago

    11 Answers

    I think they aren't good! Men tend to get there (stuff) out as they walk in the bathroom door! When I worked at the casino I saw many men still zipping up on the way out the door! And one time a woman walked in the mens room and some guy had a tissy fit!  It was really funny when the wrong sex entered the wrong bathroom! Most men and women got it at the sight of urinals or no urinals! Funny!



    Clu, you worked at Soaring Eagle ? Love that place !

    Four Winds Casino, New Buffalo, Mi

    It's OK as long as you can lock the door.I have experienced unisex bathrooms as you call them.The ones I used had no doors.To say it was uncomfortable is an understatement.LOL


    terryfossil 1

    Perfect answer Lindy..>>>>>><<<<<<<<

    One of the cutest signs I saw in a public restroom was "Ladies ,Please remain seated for the entire performance!"

    Isn't it so terryfossil 1 ! ;D

    Perfect, absolutely perfect answer! :D

    Put the F ing seat down or up with your foot ! .......if you don't want to touch it.

    clu, I like that. :-D

    Dumb as,,when will people learn,,equality does not survive or live in this world,,,no matter how many sex changes they do,,no matter how many different male or female things there are,,Bottom line,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,   Men and Women are different for a reason...society is yet to learn that,,,,,but they never will..>>>><<<<<

    I can't answer for myself, but a lot of women "wouldn't stand for it!"             ""                   On second thought, not a good idea.  

    It's a definite "no" from me. If it were a unisex bathroom with no locking doors, that is extremely uncomfortable and I would leave the premises. If it has a locking door and simply a sign indicating that it's for all of us, the mess all over the toilet and the floor, is enough to make me ill. What is the advantage for a business to do that anyway? Surely many customers have complained.

    No I don't like that idea at all . We don't have them in the UK,  well as far as I know we don't,  but they do have them in France. I first came across them in France 40 years ago, we had just had a meal in a restaurant with our two boys, me and my two boys went off to the toilet and as we stood at the urinals women starting queuing behind us to use their toilet.  It was very embarrassing , well it was for us anyway,  the French women didn't take any notice, but we certainly found it all uncomfortable. 



    Keep 6 Ducky ... I'm squattin' behind those bushes over there (thank god this ain't Saskatchewan where you can see stuff for miles and miles and...) eeeps!

    It surprises me there are unisex bathrooms that accommodate more than one person at a time.

    Not a good idea if both sexes can go in at the same time.


    I've never seen a unisex bathroom that accommodates more than one person at a time....

    tabber. I agree. That would be scary, and even dangerous in some cases and in some locals.

    mycatsmom, happy memorial day to you! i agree with you that it is scary. i was in a public restroom one time, and an opposite sex person came out of one of the locked stalls. scared the (excuse the pun) pee out of me. but on further thought i think it was a cross dressed person, don't know for sure. but for what it's worth, i like clear definition for who is doing what where when in the public domain.

    As long as the bathroom is for just one person at a time, I'm fine with it. I had no idea there were bathrooms that "housed" more than one person at a time.  

    I would not be comfortable walking into a bathroom where men were at urinals.  Nope, guess you can just call me a prude, along with whatever else you're calling me. 

    You mean a bathroom with one toilet where it can be used by a man or a woman - but not at the same time?  Or do you mean a bathroom with say, 3 stalls, where it's co ed ?   NO !  I would be scared to death to go into a public bathroom and use it if a man came in. ........especially if he looked mugsy or otherwise threatening .


    Looks can be deceiving...

    NBD...just leave the cameras  outside the restroom...If you gotta' GOTTA' go......


    Thank you, I feel the same way……..

    NBD used to be the name of a big banking institution around here. It was National Bank of Detroit

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