    The big scare is over.

    Maggie had a breast screen a couple of weeks ago.She was called back for a biopsy.We have just been told the results are clear.NO CANCER! Wow it's a relief.I have been a bit quiet over the last week or 2 & this is the reason.I have been pretty pre-occupied.

    +10  Views: 926 Answers: 12 Posted: 10 years ago

    12 Answers


     I'm so happy to hear Maggie does not have cancer. You've been through so much lately worrying about your health and now hers.  Now that you know she's okay, I hope you will concentrate on your own health because I know how much your family relies on you and they need you in tip top shape. :)

     Thank you for sharing this with us Tommyh. I know you have a beautiful family and y'all are so blessed to have each other.

    I read this to Roy and he said to let you know he sends his best.


    Thank you CB & thank you Roy.
    I hope my "Question' makes some of you ladies aware of the importance of breast screening.For heaven's sake get it done regularly.
    country bumpkin

    I had my first mammogram two years ago Tommyh. :)

    Good! Keep it up!

    Oh, Gosh! What a nightmare for you. I’m so glad things came out well for you and Maggie. I can only imagine what you two went through. Take yourselves out for a vacation of sorts………...

    Great news Tommyh for you and Maggie and your whole family! Great news for all your friends too! 


    Thanks Lu.

    Celebrate! Come to NYC. Lunch is on me!


    Haha! What a great offer.Thanks mate.I would love to see NYC but I'm afraid it's out of the question just now.Hold the reservation open tho.It could happen later.:)

    I had noticed that you were quieter than usual Tommy. (You probably noticed my comment to you yesterday when I asked how you were?) So glad that your "quietness" has ended in a good way. Waiting and worrying is an awful experience and I'm happy to know that your wife is fine. Rest easy now and take care of you!


    Thanks Ducky.She still needs treatment but at least not for the dreaded cancer.

    Oh I didn't realize that this news, was only taking care of part of her difficulties. Sorry to hear that. Still Tommy, you do need to try to take care of yourself as well. I wish you both the best.

    We're not sure what the treatment is just yet.It's obviously non life threatening because there doesn't seem to be any great urgency.At least it's not Chemo or a mastectomy.

    The waiting is so stressful....

    It's nice to hear GOOD news about BAD news!  VERY glad to hear you and Maggie do not have to contend with that and hope none of us ever do!  Make sure she gets all the details about her treatment and does what you and she decide is the best course of action.

    I know family comes first for you (same here); keep taking good care of each other!  


    Thanks Phyl.She WILL get all the care & attention she needs & that's for sure!

    Good news is always welcome Tom,,All the best to yours and you.....>>>>><<<<<


    Thanks Terry

    I'm very happy for your good news, tommy. Is Maggie your wifey or daughter ?


    Maggie is my (Much loved) wife.

    Glad to here everything is ok Tommyh, it must have been a very worrying couple of weeks. Now you can live a normal life again, best wishes to you and your wife.


    Hahaha! Sunny.I don't think my life will ever be "Normal".LOL.Thanks Sunny.

    Best wishes...Joy and Happiness to all. 


    Thanks Rob.

    Very glad to here everything is well Tommy with your wife, and God bless you & wife many more happy year together.


    Thank you for you blesing Rolly.



    Wonderful news!!!

    Thanks Lindy.Yep,the picture says it all.LOL

    I thought you kids would like that! LOL YAY!

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