    Why does my computer mouse slip across the pad and not move the arrow ?

    It goes across the mouse pad fine, but doesn't pick up the traction to move the arrow to play my game of Bubble Hit. It'll move the arrow some of the time, but it's  inconsistent enough to mess up my game !!   > : - O

    This didn't happen untill I really started to whip it back and forth to hit the bubbles. Should I get a new mouse, or a new mouse pad ? I wiped off the pad and I blew into the mouse to remove dust, but it doesn't help. I'm not going to pick a category for this, b/c when I do , then my questions disappear-------never to be seen again.

    +3  Views: 545 Answers: 3 Posted: 10 years ago

    3 Answers

    Does your mouse require batteries?  It may be time for a battery change.


    No, it has a cord
    country bumpkin

    OK. My mouse is wireless and the arrow starts to skip off the page when my battery is running low.

    I think  I would invest in a new mouse Julie.You should be able to get a good optical mouse under 20 bucks.

    Try cleaning the red laser under the mouse with a cotton bud dipped in methylated spirits.But if that don't work,go for the new one.


    Thx, tommy. I'll get a new one. I don't know what to ask for b/c this mouse came with this ' puter and this 'puter is old. It's from about 2004. or '05 . I don't see any red laser on the underside of the mouse. It's just back plastic wtih that little ball that rolls ----like a ball in a deodorant bottle. One of the 4 small, circular pads is off the underside. Maybe that's the prob . Can't find it to glue it back on .

    Say no more.If it's a ball roller mouse it's pretty old.Ask for an optical mouse.They are much faster & usually come with installation instructions.Check your mouse connection in the back of the computer & make sure it's USB connection.If not you may have to buy an adapter.(Cheap).

    I had this problem. A new mouse fixed it.  Buy a cordless mouse. Mine is exceptional with all that it does, makes scrolling easier……..


    that would be great to do scrolling easier. Would a cordless mouse go with an older computer - - - -like an ' 04 or ' 05 ?
    Thx, Everyone, for your advice. I don't know what I'd do without ya.

    Sure as long as there is a USB port……..

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