Kids going back to school. I can't believe the school is asking...........
Kids going back to school. I can't believe the school is asking parents to buy graphing calculators that cost $120.00. We have two high-school students. 9th and 10th graders. One taking algebra 1, and the other geometry. The school knows that they are asking a lot out of parents, that's why they put up a message explaining why this is a good investment. The school had a lot of fundraisers for many things, these graphing calculators should have been one of them.
I had a similar experience 8 years ago. It's nothing new, Chelleanne, just getting worse.
5 Answers
I know schools ask a lot from parents! I agree they should fund raise for these needed items! I bet they find funds for their sports department! Priorities seem to go by the way side! I hope you get help getting the calculators!
10 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
The tax payers' dollars are supposed to provide the school with whatever it needs.It sounds more the school system is lining it's pockets with some of the profits it's made from getting parents to buy these graphing calculators . How did WE learn to do graphing without " graphing calculators " ........with good old graphing paper and pencil, ........and colored pencils. And a straight edge. I loved making graphs and labeling them ; and making maps and charts too .
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