    Dumping buckets of ice on people has mutated. Now, morons are pouring flammable liquids on themselves...

    and "lighting up". I heard it on the radio. With all of the stupid people in the world, does this surprise you at all?

    +5  Views: 666 Answers: 11 Posted: 10 years ago

    11 Answers

    Not surprising at all. Many humans seem to operate "below par"! Most of that behavior is centered on attention seeking....anything to get the world to "look at me"!         :(

    Yep...the sheep follow the goats.

    Warhol said something like everybody gets 15 minutes of  fame. Guess some people are tired of waiting or can’t depend on fate……….


    Well, I know that I'm sure tired of waiting! lol

    There certainly can't be any good ending when one lights himself on fire, but the upside is, no one is going to be telling the story in such a way that others are compelled to try it, so the shelf life on this tragedy should be relatively short.  Heartbreaking for families and those who cared. 

    Oh, and "morons" was the term that came to MY mind, too.  

    I thought about this years ago...what would I do if someone threw gasoline on me and lit it. If I could jump them when the gas was thrown, I would grab and hold them in the fire with me, and use their body and clothing to put the fire out. 

    Some people's kids....Sheeeeez!!....makes you Wonder.....

    Good! hopefully they'll remove themselves from the gene pool. ;-) 

    It doesn't surprise me at all, there's always,some loopy fool trying to get attention.

    the world keeps evolving

    Maybe they are Buddhist monks practicing self-immolation .

    Maybe there'll get a head start to o h3ll. Pretty hot there.

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