    ISIS executing Americans, encouraging riots in Missouri and people to join their cause. What's the answer?

    Americans are joining the extremists, many traveling to Syria and Iraq. 


    +9  Views: 2484 Answers: 8 Posted: 10 years ago

    8 Answers

    Umbrellas that are designed to inject a small capsule of ricin, we can sneak up on all of them on an individual basis and get them poisoned one by one, JOB DONE, no more jihad!

    Obviously I'm joking, I really can't see an easy answer, they are a pretty powerful terrorist organisation and if they keep getting recruits from around the world they can only get more dangerous.

    terryfossil 1

    Sorry to hear you are joking Romos,,if you want to kill a weed, you have to kill the roots,,or it will grow again,,this disease is every bit as bad as the ebola,,treat the radicals the same way...or we will lose..>>>>><<<<<

    iT'S HAPPENING OVER HERE TOO & OUR POLLITICIANS ARE ASKING THE SAME QUESTION without branding all Muslims as terrorists.The problem is sorting them out before you allow them into the country.

    Just got this off of FB:  ISIS  Iraqi Sissies In Sheets

    They need to be wiped out, there intentions are too bigger threat to the world to allow them to exist.

     Regrettably, American foreign policy has orchestrated this post-war global mess by cavorting with implanted despots on behalf of the corporate puppet masters. We are now enjoying the fruit of their wise guidance.

    We reap what they sow.



    We reap what we sow as well. If we refuse to participate with their invitation to go to war, and bomb the CIA...that would help. The CIA inspires war in every conceivable way....following the long bloody trail left by Werner Von Brawn aka Dangerous.

    I think its way to late to sort out now, i think very nasty times are ahead. dystopian military corporatocracy coming to everyone, soon!

    Killer bees !!!!!!!! All they have to do is drop out of a plane with parachute across Syria,Iraq and let nature take its course. I'm not kidding either.


    There are many species of wasp that are far more aggressive than that variety of honey bees. Breeding insects as a weapon has been done globally for profit against competing producers. Keep it up and planet earth may not be habitable any longer.

    These terrorists keep breeding, too.....the wasps might be the lesser of two evils...

    I"m sure we will treat them just like they treat drop photos of beheaded ISIS members regardless of how they died. Pass out the meat cleavers and drop heads on ISIS as rain and any large groups...let them die of thirst and starvation. We treat prisoners like we would like to be treated which is a very lavish standard to keep-up. I prefer we treat them as we would like to be treated. Nothing defuses an opponents arguments more than demonstrating our morality and compassion. But that has not been how we treated them at Git-mo. Forced interrogation, cruelty, de-humanizing captives to behave animalistically.    

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