    I bought a new pc a few days ago a acer predator ag3. I installed windows 8.1 and started doing downloading lots of games and barely switching it off. Today everything worked fast and nice, while downloading 3 big games I started the setup of a game but it froze so I did ctrl alt del and switched it off. When I turned it on the screen shows the acer logo and starts flickering a black screen. There are little flashes that I can see my background icon but nothing seems to work. I checked all the p

    0  Views: 911 Answers: 1 Posted: 10 years ago
    A guy with a prob

    Plugs. Btw when the screen flickers the power symbol on the desktop flickers at the same moment even though it didnt use to flicker. I also dont hear the beep anymore when I turn the pc on.

    Sounds like you have a bad motherboard. That should be covered under your warranty. Good luck.

    1 Answer

    Easy solution. With all of these problems, I suggest that you telephone the store at which is was purchased and ask for the service department. That is the reason they are there.

    A guy with a prob

    Cant, I bought it for half the price (with gaurantee though if it is broken.) Online out of another country.

    Uh oh....sounds like a lot of problems that need someone to actually take a look. Find one of those guys with the "junky basements" who can fix anything. (Maybe someone here can help you but it sure isn't me.) Sorry.

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