1 Answer
I found this information:
How many sweetened dried cranberries do I need to eat to get the same UTI benefits as one 8 oz. glass of cranberry cocktail?
Read the rest of this article here: http://decascranberry.com/cranberry-facts
According to leading health researchers, 0.7 oz. of our sweetened dried cranberries is equivalent to an 8 oz. glass of cranberry juice cocktail with 27% juice.
8. A pilot study conducted by the University of Wisconsin-Madison found that women with recurring UTIs reported a reduction in UTIs for up to six months after consuming one serving of dried cranberries per day for two weeks.
3. Cranberries naturally contain the flavonoid, proanthocyanidins (PACs). The unusual structure of the PACs found in cranberries offer bacterial anti-adhesive properties not found in other commonly consumed fruits and vegetables.
4. The PACs in cranberries may help prevent the adhesion of certain harmful bacteria, including E. coli, that are associated with urinary tract infections (UTIs).
See other benefits here>>http://www.appforhealth.com/2012/08/10-reasons-to-love-dried-cranberries/
10 years ago. Rating: 3 | |

(Sorry to any man who may have read my comment above. Julie I let you know this because you may want to also share this info with your brother-in-law.)