
    6 Answers

    Al Sharpton becomes color blind whenever it is black on white. He screams racial prejudice though, when it is white on black. He is probably the most prejudiced black who is allowed to speak on television....hates white people in my opinion.

    Well, wherever he is, he isn't seeing the sun, because he head is so far up....well, you know.

    Where ever he can create racial injustice problems. My guess now Ferguson Missouri.


    I'm waiting until he comes back to NY. He'll address this sucker punch issue (RIGHT!). When there's a black perpetrator and a white victim, it's not his concern.

    Well he's not in Ferguson, Mo. I think he's decided that there is no defense for this "gentle giant" as Michael's friends and family keep referring to Michael as. These images of him robbing a convenience store just before the encounter between himself and the police officer who killed him show he was not so gentle.




    Thanks, Colleen. This is an "eye opener" and new to me. Now he can get back to matters at hand in NYC, like black on white crime and "black on black" because they victimize their own kind more than others do. By the way, how many people really give a hoot about Michael? I'm talking about the ones who looted. Maybe the stores will close forever and everyone will be inconvenienced because they'll have to travel farther for basic necessities. It's happened in Watts and elsewhere.

    Do we REALLY want to know?!?

    On one of those news-talk cable  shows  everyday on TV .

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