    RE: NEW FORMAT: Notice there are no advertisements?

    Or, rather, a whole lot FEWER...

    Does anyone else have a bad feeling about this?

    +4  Views: 11508 Answers: 4 Posted: 10 years ago

    4 Answers

    It all feels a bit amateurish to me, they haven't even got the text sorted out, everything seems not to be sorting itself into linear text, eg: your question P.

    I'm not a fan of this format.


    No one seems to be impressed or appreciative...including me.

     I can understand why the lack of adds may be a concern, but why change the format if aka is going belly up?

      On second thought, this is aka  we're talking about and the Administration team responsible for this forum have  repeatedly shown their incompetence  and lack of understanding for what it has become.



    The thing that makes me the saddest is knowing that in a short while, I won't be able to connect with most of these people ever again. I have a few emails, but that's all. I am close to tears
    country bumpkin

    The admin don't seem to understand nor give a flying fig about the feelings of the remaining members on this forum. It's strictly business to them so there are no emotions involved. However, we remain here on this half dead forum answering 3 year old questions and asking new questions among ourselves because most of us have put so much of our heart and soul into this site. . If Admin do read our conversations here on aka they know our concerns. It would not kill them to set aside a few minutes to write one message to all the aka members and it post it on the forum so everyone can read it.

    It's all about the bottom line. They don't care about pleasing you or your feelings.

    I don’t like it, I don’t like it, I don’t like it. No adds?  No akaqa……...

    country bumpkin

    You took the words right out of my mouth. LOL

    I hope that akaqa continues on. I actually liked the ads and tried many of the products or services. I don't have a clue how to get them back.

    It seems belly-up is soon to be here! Where is everyone going?


    I think we are still here, but it's like being in a sand storm. Very hateful maneuver.

    There's always FB if someone needs companionship. I spend a lot of time there. And there's Ask aol. and there's and Ask Yahoo.

    Thanks MCM

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