    Oh My! What will we do? What can we do?

    Ebola is in the war zone. It spreads quickly and kills quickly. Your mouth is hanging open! Don't swallow or inhale! Yikes...Is this God's answer to the middle east war?

    +6  Views: 1040 Answers: 8 Posted: 10 years ago

    and they said that 90% of people in '' developing countries '' that get it ........die.

    8 Answers

    I would be worried too, Robert, fancy bringing back to continental USA an infected person of this killer disease, Ebola, that is putting all citizens in a possible outbreak just like the film, Dustin Hoffman's 'OUTBREAK - God help us all.

    We were afraid of aids once and it all but went away.  Maybe (hopefully) Ebola will go the same way….


    I hate to say this Jules, donkey years ago Spanish Flu killed millions, Ebola is a far worse virus if i can call it that, lets hope they can contain it.
    terryfossil 1

    I reckon so JH..

    Aids originated in Africa and was weaponized here, was sent back to Africa as a weaponized virus, then pushed in the USA in order to attack gay people but spread far beyond before congress would consider funding against the Gay Plague.

    At least with aids, we could prevent ourselves from getting it.      Settle down guys settle down,,it is only bad where it is allowed to be bad..have a look at this link,it is able to be controlled,, 


    but Terry, you aren't having Ebola patients shipped over to you in Australia like we are, here in the U.S.
    terryfossil 1

    I know MCM,,but they are Americans,and if all the precautions are taken, which i think they will be,,then there should be no problems,,it is not spread as easily as you think,,,heads up MCM,you will be okay...>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    terryfossil 1

    MCM help me out ,they stuck me on the new format,was not my choice,,how do i get back,,Help Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    country bumpkin

    Terry, I logged on to aka an hour ago and it took me straight to the new format with the option now missing to switch over to the old forum. I guess we're stuck looking at the "new and improved" format.(Sarcasm) :)
    terryfossil 1

    I read you CB..going down the gurgler

    And when it first became prevalent in Africa, a few years ago, they said it made blood come out of your eyes, and it was a slow death, and everybody died of it. Now, they say it's no big deal. Just like the flu; and that it's not highly contagious.  I think HIV was originally shipped over here too, from Africa in the 80s, to make everybody sick, or die.


    Aids...was weaponized into a serious problem affecting everyone.

    At least, you can prevent yourself from getting aids

    Now, how did THAT happen???

    The fact is there are thousands of diseases many of us have never heard of or know about. Blow off one and there are 50 more waiting for their chance to catch us with our pants down and/or skirt up. It's today's Boogie-bug with slimy tentacles and all. Of course folk are dying on the front line of this New (???) discovery. Considering the lack of a positive ID; and the raw power of our lack of insight amid a boogie man with a rattle...our duty as fact checkers is the most appropriate first response.

    What's the big deal weir all going too die one way another.



    Some of us aren't up for an epidemic of ebola or anything else. That is the big deal.
    Seriously, rollylariviere? What's the big deal?

    Let me see ! Now Bob/PKB you may think your going to live forever, surprise you may die sooner than what you think? Well let hope it's not Ebola, let hope it's quick and easy .BY BY. LOL.

    This whole issue went right over your head, didn't it and you thought sniping at me would be productive. Got it. Bye bye back at you.

    REW???? Is that you? Sounds like it. 

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