    How are we liking the new akaQA format?

    My preference is for the "old" version.  I like seeing the logo at the top of the page, one question at a time, my photo and the "numbers"; viewing only a few notifications at a time is less appealing than being able to see 10 at a glance.  

    Whatever your choice, I'm so glad you are here! 

    +8  Views: 1402 Answers: 10 Posted: 10 years ago
    Tags: unca

    If they would fix it so we could post photos the way we used to it would be a lot better.

    10 Answers

    Maybe .0002 like it? Just kidding!

    Dunno....Still using the old one.:)

    I've tried it and I do not like it. I will stay with the old format as long as it's available.


    Why do I get the feeling we'll be forced to use it sooner than later...
    country bumpkin

    I have the same feeling.

    JH, have not even looked at it ,have heard what others have said about it,,and i do not see the reason for change,,if it aint broke,why try to fix it,,,,i do not adhere to "change for change sake".......>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


    Sweet to mention me but it was Bob who posted the question…….
    terryfossil 1

    Sorry JH,but does not matter,i will give my opinion to you..>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    bulletman, thanks for your response to my question. Hope you and the Mrs. have been well and happy.
    terryfossil 1

    nice comback Bob,,but i deserved it,,>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<

    I like it...old and new. The new is cleaner and the old has bumps and ruts. I could use some coaching on some issues; like posting pix and so much more, but, we are all busy.     


    I haven't been able to post a picture in the comments' section. When I want to post a picture to my answer or question, I have to post the written words first. Then I go to the picture and right click, select "COPY IMAGE" with a left click, then return to the posting, "edit", and place my cursor where I want the picture. CONTROL-V pastes the image and I save again.

    I don't like it and don't use it! Why change the look of things? Is it like remodeling? They need to think up something to get more visitors not just (paint the house)


    Excellent point, clu. Sometimes it feels like we are in a boat, floundering in the internet ocean, the captain having long ago abandoned the ship.

    Let me repeat myself needlessly....
    Excellent point, clu. Sometimes it feels like we are in a boat, floundering in the internet ocean, the captain having long ago abandoned the ship.

    Don't like the new , wont use anymore


    It was a terrifying moment when I thought I couldn't "go back" to the original...

    I felt same way, just find the way to get back.

    Dont like


    Neither do I.

    Like changes and the new one looks softer

    I personally don't like it much, I'll agree to what Bob/PKB have commented.

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