    i think they see this Israel-Palestine war in one sided way

    Hamas launches a rocket from a UN school, Israel's technology sends it to where it came from and it kills innocents and they blame Israel. Israel stops the war but still receive a rocket

    +6  Views: 1973 Answers: 7 Posted: 10 years ago

    I usually don't get involved in other people's politics but as far as I am concerned hamas is just a terrorist organization and I support Israel in as much as they refuse to negotiate with terrorists.

    There has been a cease-fire for the past couple of days, and this morning we hear that hamas have decided to end that by firing rockets at Israel.

    7 Answers

    The way I see it is,Israel are defending themselves. And have every right to, it's unfortunate if the terrorists decided to use innocent people as shields.

    I'm not sure who you mean by "they" but I am a firm believer that the Hamas are terrorist who love to kill and murder. They need to be stopped permanently. 


    Grit Savage

    I read the conservative magazine article and watched the video, so i thought you may be interested in these videos. for balance. ;-)

    Oh please. Even the UN has found no evidence of Israel using Palestinians as shields.
    terryfossil 1

    All radical muslims are killers and murderers,if you took away the religion,,they would still kill and murder,,

    Really. Keep supporting terror Grit. It's your prerogative. Israel does not have Palestinian people in it's cities to use as shields to keep Hamas from firing missiles into Israel.
    Grit Savage

    I'm not supporting terror at all! I’m supporting the innocent people on both sides who have been terrorised since 1948! They are just pawns/victims in a mucky game of western politics. You seem to have this weird idea that it’s just two sides fighting each other, its far murkier and dirtier than that. The Zionist right wing government have committed numerous war crimes but you seem fine with that! The Zionist government have more than 60 UN resolutions (and counting) against them and you are happy for that to be so. Hamas ARE a bunch of “terrorists”! But the Zionist government ARE bigger “Terrorists” with unlimited wealth and firepower. And their favourite way of murdering innocent people (sorry that should read subduing rebellion by people occupied and demoralised since 1948) is the equivalent of shooting fish in a barrel! I do NOT support Hamas! Nor do I support the Zionist’s! I support the people everywhere who just want to get on with their lives without religious fundamentalist (all religions) Bullies/terrorists telling them what to believe and how to live or else. You really don’t like the evidence against the Zionists; in fact you said that it was “more reading than I want to do” not the best way to support your chosen terrorist regime. They are even suppressing humanitarian Jewish groups within Israel who want an end to this war. Didn't some other bloke once do similar things!!

    It's up to the people then to rise against their leaders and demand that they stop. Hamas has broken every truce. Hamas needs to stop. Israel has already said they have no problem with the Palestinians living in Gaza their own way. I'd be happy to just let them fight it out without any intervention from anyone. We have issues right here in the USA that need to be addressed and taken care of. We can not afford to be assisting the rest of the world in their private wars. I am done with this. Nothing said here will stop that war. As for the Zionist, they are not trying to invade and take over countries like the Muslims do. The fanatical Muslims are the greatest threat in this world today. Stop them and peace just might be had across the world. Good luck.

     If someone sends a bomb my way, I'd be glad to have the ability to send it right back from whence it came.  The site of a UN school was glaringly stupid, but....consider the source.

    Well it is now on our shores Tom,a bus load of jewish school kids got harrased by some dipstick kids,do not know the dipsticks nationality yet,,,,,,but they have been arrested,,i believe they are all under 18,,,

    This "war" can be compared to an iceberg, the "impartial" mainstream media only feeds the general populace the tip! Try having a look at the massive hidden bit that they really really don't want you to see, its nasty!





    OK, first link is nothing but propaganda. The 2nd link is more reading than I want to do. It's as simple as this. Palestinian people have no real history. Palestine itself has no real history other than it was created for a group of nomads that no other country wanted, especially Eqypt where the most of the Nomads migrated from. The 3rd link which concerns wikileaks (last I knew, they were in trouble with the US government) everything supposedly posted by wikileaks has no proof or documentation attached to it so that the reader can research and see just where wikileaks gets it's information. Nothing here has changed my mind about Hamas and it's terrorist activities. They get their best support from anti-Semitic cultures. Sad.


    Good links. Keep the faith.
    Grit Savage

    OK, first, it aint propaganda its independent journalism of which there is far to little! 2nd, really?? I'm taken aback at that. 3rd, the reason wikileaks is in trouble with the US is because they released actual government communications that expose the lies and hypocrisy of our elected representatives, it embarrassed them so much that they have changed laws and initiated a global witch hunt to stop the truth from reaching the apathetic masses. as you said colleen your mind is already made up, mine evolves with every new piece of evaluated information. and this has nothing to do with antisemitism I work with some jewish folk who are afraid of repercussions from the dullards who soak up the mainstream media spin and they are appalled at what's happening in palestine by their elected representatives. there's always nastiness on both sides of a war but just because one side has a bigger stick does not make them right. i'm not anti semitic in any way shape or form, i'm anti war!

    "when you have been fed lies for decades the truth will seem unbelievable"

    The real answer to your first link: (why-arent-isis-and-al-qaeda-attacking.html#!bxT57V) .....because they are supplying Hamas with the weapons to attack Israel, that's why.
    You need to read what Hamas really is. They are not the Palestinian people. They are evil people who are using the Palestinian people. Yes, my mind is made up. I will never defend or support evil.
    Grit Savage

    Just remember that nelson Mandela was considered to be an evil terrorist and has blood on his hands. Look how that changed. When an entire population has it's land and Independence eroded day by day, year by year, at some point radicals will assume power, as hamas has done with western aid! All to destabilise and undermine the PLO. How far would you go to fight for whats yours? And how long would you wait? There are atrocities on both sides, but the massacre happening at this very moment is absurdly disproportionate! When does a freedom fighter become a terrorist and vice versa? Can you post up a link for who pays for hamas, as I can't find any funding info regarding isis etc etc funding hamas. Qatar and other arab nations yes. But that's all I found. And for the record I know hamas is a bunch of so called terroists but I also consider the Zionazi's the same. Lessons have been ignored and look at the bloody mess! The innocent still suffer.
    Grit Savage

    this guy basically says it how it is. :-)

    Truth be told by a passionate Irishman.

    Here's some from a well-known American.

    The only link I care to share on this topic. Defend Hamas if you will but I remain on the side of Israel in this.
    terryfossil 1

    Gidday Grit,,here's a story mate,,1.2 billion muslims in the world,,,180 to 300 million are radicals,,,that leaves just under 1 billion muslims that believe islam and the quran to be about peace,,, these radicals are not about Islam and the quran,,they will kill for any reason they can find,,,What we need is more muslims speaking out against the radicals,,but they are frightened to do that ,,because their own mob would kill them for treason,,so even they are caught between a rock and a hard place,,,Get Rid Of The Radicals.....>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<
    terryfossil 1

    Hey Grit,,there is bullsh*t on both sides of the debate,,and we the people are the mushrooms,,,so let us cut to RIGHT and WRONG,,Hamas will break the truce first every time,Hamas are firing rockets from beside schools and hospitals,,Hamas do not care about their own civilians,,Hamas believe the more of their own civilians that die,,the more the world will blame Israel..These people do not care about life,,they only want to die,,So get out of their way and grant them their wish....RIGHT OR WRONG,,LIVE OR DIE....Dam* simple....>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    Just one more glaring example of Religion's destructive nature.


    Exclusion-ism is a religion now?

    Always has been,Robert.

    The war is over secret knowledge. All differences that are not mutually agreed to lead to reappraisal and resolution or increasing differences and eventual conflict.

    The up-side-down view would be that religions were made to convince adherents to kill those who prefer a different view and to keep believers in their group as the leaders personal army. Oddly, that may be true....the relationship between war and peace...only in a world dominated by dualism. Having been there, and gone...beyond, where dualism is abandoned to find myself in the will and way of God the issue clears personally shows dualism as the monstrosity it pretends it is not.   

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