    What does America think of Australia,,Ask "The Huffington Post"            you tell me what you think,,,

    +5  Views: 2119 Answers: 8 Posted: 10 years ago

    An interesting read Terry.

    8 Answers

    It's interesting to read about another country which is so very different from Canada. I'm fascinated by the pink lakes.


    It's all that laundry detergent they flush away. Disgusting.

    My laundry detergent has always been blue. I guess that explains Canadian lakes?
    terryfossil 1

    hey Duck, my wife and i would like to see Canada,health may prevent us,but we will see,,I think there is a similarity with Aussie,but we got less ice and snow,,i am not real keen on snow,but my wife is,,>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<

    IT IS NOT LAUNDRY DETERGENT! We don't even wash that often.LOL.
    It's a peculiar type of algae that causes it.& the colour changes at times as well.
    I would love to see Canada as well.It's on my bucket list.I'd have to come in summertime tho.I hate the cold.Every joint in my body aches when I get cold.
    terryfossil 1

    Show me an Aussie that likes the cold Tom,,,BBBRRRRRRRRRR

    July would be the month to pick. It's usually reliable as far as nice weather, in most parts of Canada I think.

    Do we care? Don't get me wrong...I'm fine with Americans but we have our own way of doing things & saying things & it works for us.Who cares what anybody else thinks.;)

    terryfossil 1

    I just found it odd Tom,it reads like a tourist thing,,but not by us,,

    It seemed a little toungue in cheeek to me.But like I said...who cares.I know & you know & Pythonlover knows & about 25 million others know that we live in the best place on the planet.
    terryfossil 1

    I know Tom,judging by the different nationalities that come here,we are not the only ones that know it is the best place,,so why do some who come here want to change us..???????????????????????????????????????????

    Yes I wonder too Terry.This latest terrorist screening thing the gov't is talking about is pretty scary.Up until now this country has been one of the easiest places on the planet to get into.The times are a changing my friend.
    terryfossil 1

    You might have a great place there Digger,and there are a lot of great places all over the world,,i have seen quite a few of them,,but as an Aussie, to me my country is the best in the world,however my wife and i still hope to see more other great places of the world..Always nice talking Digger..>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    All I know about Australia is what I saw in  " Crocodile Dundee "  and that was in the 80s. I would like to visit there .

    terryfossil 1

    Hey MCM,how they portrayed the bush and the country towns in "dundee" was pretty fair,,the people who live and work well into the middle of Aussie,,well they are nothing like city dwellers,my wife has relatives that live in the bush,and believe me,you nearly gotta hand cuff em to get them to come down to Brisbane for a visit.they hate the city with a vengeance,,Always nice talking MCM..>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    Similarly,if you'd like to learn everything about Canada, I recommend the 1983 blockbuster hit called "Strange Brew"
    terryfossil 1

    Digger,would i still go there after seeing the movie,,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    Terry's pretty right Julie.Life in the bush in Oz is a whole 'nuther story to the cities.People in the bush still live by the old adage of help thy neighbour & do unto others.If you need help you only need to ask.(If you can find someone to ask).In some places your nearest neighbour can be 100 miles away.It's a big,big country.

    Terry, You wouldn't just come here; you'd apply for citizenship.
    terryfossil 1

    You might have a great place there Digger,and there are a lot of great places all over the world,,i have seen quite a few of them,,but as an Aussie, to me my country is the best in the world,however my wife and i still hope to see more other great places of the world..Always nice talking Digger..>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<< Edit this comment

    What's a 'Gap Year'.


    A 'gap year' is a year between leaving school and going to university. They didn't exist in my youth and if I had suggested it to my old man he would have gone berserk.

    AKA: I don't want to work for a living.

    Or maybe...."I think I'll retire now that I'm finished school. I have too much debt to pay off. I'm going to start travelling so "they" can't find me".

    Oh, i get it they want to 'Bludge' for 12 months. :)

    Visit Oz and you won't be disappointed, but watch out for : saltwater crocodiles, sharks, stonefish, box jellyfish, kingbrown snakes, funnelweb spiders and many more dangerous animals. Be prepared!


    Sounds more dangerous than Chicago's south side.

    Never been to Chicago, but Oz should be on everyone's bucket list. worth going for the chicks, they are stonking!

    As good looking as les francaises?

    On balance, yes.
    terryfossil 1

    Hey Nom, You forgot the small ferocious monumental carnivorous Ankle Biters..>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<

    Yes & there's a redback spider under every toilet seat.(Unless the Eastern King Brown Snakes have already eaten them of course).But even the King Browns are on the decline.The crocs & the monitor lizzards are killing them off.

    i think generally people think it's a big green beautiful place, with lots of kangaroos hoping around with many nice people with an accent. At least that's what i think.

    terryfossil 1

    people all over the world are pretty much the same..>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    I did not read it but I would not put a lot of weight into what is written in the huffington post. 

    terryfossil 1

    Colleen,a paper that plays with the truth..????????????????

    I know so little. I would expect temps like Texas only worse. People friendly like Texans. The country as beautiful as Texas. the skies clear like in Texas. Hell! I may as well stay home……….


    Don't forget the snakes, if and when you make it to Down Under make sure you go to Australia's best kept secret -- Tasmania, most o/s tourists don't realise we have an island state, the place scenery wise is fantastic, the locals, incredibly friendly, the air, the purist in the southern hemiphere, absolutely no pollution and you get to meet up close those noisy little critters - Tassie Devils, well worth the extra few days. --- Princess Mary of Denmark, the future Queen was born in Tasmania, and like me, her kids have been brought up on 'Vegemite. :) ps, as far as i know there are no nasties there. Weather wise, i would say much like south west Canada.

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