6 Answers
Looking over the years, the men were easier to work with and for, easier to reach compromises with, and easier to understand. Women don't always say what they mean, whereas men don't even have the ability, in the workplace, to double talk very well. Women tended to be more suspicious that I was "out to get my job" - possibly because I entered a job full-steam ahead, eager to learn quickly and be independent in my responsibilities rather than babysat, with someone hovering over me constantly.
Men were more likely to give me an assignment and let me ask questions to clarify as I went along. A little respect or acknowledgement that I am capable goes a long way in establishing a good work relationship. Women have trouble relinquishing control, for a variety of reasons.
10 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
The best ones are the ones who have managerial skills and training. Some of each gender have these qualities and some don't. The ones who don't, just seem to cause daily chaos in the workplace. I've had both female and male bosses.
10 years ago. Rating: 10 | |

Neither I'm afraid.Like Lindy,I prefer to be the boss.
10 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
I prefer to BE the boss. I was a band leader for twenty years and only ever had to fire two guitarists for being so loaded onstage that they could not stand! LOL Otherwise, I guess I prefer ME as boss. ;D
10 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Definitely men bosses. Woman are too piceyusnish (sp) Women bosses will talk to you like they think you're one of their kids. They've chided me for something trivial . One woman boss yelled at me for putting her mom into her voice mail.But, that's why her mom TOLD me to do !
10 years ago. Rating: 4 | |