
    What do you think of women who swear better than any bloke you have ever met..??????????

    +7  Views: 2013 Answers: 13 Posted: 10 years ago
    terryfossil 1

    NO, i think all do themselves a injustice,,but women where held higher up by a lot of men,before the so called equality,,

    Thanks for the information

    13 Answers

    i think all swearing is disgusting. You can thank these young people for the increased swearing and saying dirty words, b/c they all say the F word every other word. They learn that from TV and movies.

    And swearing is not becoming on a woman .

    terryfossil 1

    Proud of you MCM, proud of you,,you are a true lady of the past....

    Thanks for the positive feedback, Terry . I don't get much of that. You're a great dude.

    It seems to be commonplace nowadays in my neck of the woods, I personally don't mind it too much in certain circumstances but there are limits in all situations,in private is ok for me, not in public, I swear a wee bit myself but I know when and where I can do it.

    PS: The small kids in my area can outswear any of the adults, sign of the times I suppose, I never heard my late Mother pass a cuss word through her lips in my life, another sign of the times?


    You swear???????????
    country bumpkin

    He swears like a sailor! :)

    That would be a drunken sailor? :)
    country bumpkin

    Yeah that too! LOL


    Oooh what shall we do with the drunken sailor, what shall we do with the drunken sailor, what shall we do with the drug sailor early in the morning.
    country bumpkin

    LOL SunnyB, Roy was singing this song earlier today.


    Early in the morning. Lol
    country bumpkin

    He was only singing the song not playing the part. :)
    terryfossil 1

    I try not to swear in any crowd Romos,But never in front of women or children,it is a respect thing,but in a world of equality some women come down to our level..>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<< Always nice talking Romos..

    My father was a Scotsman & he could swear like a bullocky,but not on Sunday.I always found that a little odd.

    My mother would not do laundry on Sunday and would get upset with my father if he cut the grass on Sunday?! :)
    country bumpkin

    Roy wont cut his nails on Sunday because his mother wouldn't cut her nails on Sunday.

    I hope he doesn't swear on Sunday!!!

    I always wondered if I was conceived on a Sunday.Hahahaha!

    Hmmm Tommy.....never thought of that. :)
    terryfossil 1

    The small kids in your area learn it from the adults and are allowed to by the adults Romos,
    country bumpkin

    What about the kids who cuss in your area Terry. I suppose they learn it from the adults and their parents let them or do children not cuss where you're from?
    terryfossil 1

    Hey CB,little buggers in Aussie are the same as little buggers all over the world, as are the adults..don't get defensive CB,as Romos said, it is a sign of the times,,however it is a sign of class going down,,give you a story CB,last week i was walking past a furniture shop,a father and son(8 year old )outside the shop,the son jumping all over the furniture with his shoes on,father says nothing,mother walking towards us says to the son,"get off the furniture ",i said to her,your husband should have said that,i will tip my lid to the lady,,the husband is a dork...>>>>><<<<<<Always nice talking CB
    country bumpkin

    Our neighbor has a couple of filthy mouthed little boys (approx 8 years old). They favor using the F word, but what really gets my goat is listening to the way they speak to their mother. I recently came across them at the store when I heard the little boy shouting at his mother, "You're "F"ing stupid"! "Mum hurry up you stupid"! In a gentle voice the mom asked him to stop cussing. My son would have been knocked into next week if he spoke to me like this.
    Yes, they learned this from their dad. Roy and I can hear the father regularly screaming at them using his two favorite words which are stupid and the F word.
    terryfossil 1

    As Roy said CB,sign of the times,,really does seem to be all we can say,,,pity..>>>>>><<<<<<

    Same here in Canada. Walk past any school yard when the kids are playing outside and all you hear is "F you", repeatedly. And what does the adult yard monitor say to them? Not a word. In fact, they just walk away. We are afraid of our children it seems.
    country bumpkin

    It's terrible!
    terryfossil 1

    Hey Duck,my wife and i were returning from a holiday in Europe (Austria Steyer )the people were absolute Ladies and Gentleman from the old times,,however upon arriving back at Brisbane airport,there standing in the lane beside us 3 so called ladies,discussing the Fcfcbfc customs service,,they dressed like gutter snipes,they spoke like their heads were in a toilet,they were an embarrassment to Australia and Australians,,>>>>>>><<<<<<

    No class and probably lacking in self-esteem. (She'll use "shock" to get your attention.) I also think that young women nowadays, feel as though they must keep up with the "boys".


    If a woman (or a man) has well developed communication skills, s/he can make a point without cursing.
    terryfossil 1

    Duck, by trying to keep up with the boy's,they come down to the boys level,i think so called equality has been lost by the girls in that arena..>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    I agree. If a person wants to strive to be like someone, it should be based on the admiration of his/her good qualities.

    I can turn the air blue with the most imaginative language you ever heard if things don't go right.But...Never in front of my girls.

    I can send out a string of cussing that could take on a life of it's own and sail around the cosmos!

    I have noticed in life that pretty much all cuss words have something to do with a bodily function and that we humans have very creatively decided to use them as an insult or show of anger or simply, a 'cultural' way of getting one's point across... I am rarely, if ever offended.


    We have so much in common.<3

    I do my best swearing at other drivers and things that don't work right! The drivers never hear me! However I think my lawnmower has been offended by what I told it would happen very soon!!


    I tend to make a lot of noise in the car, directed at other motorists, who, likewise, don't (usually) hear what I'm saying (there are exceptions).
    My sons continue to explain that my words are useless if the other person doesn't hear them. They are helpful to me...I'd probably run someone off the road eventually otherwise.

    Essex girls can use swear words that even a drunken sailor has never heard. 

    I try to avoid it, but driving brings out the worst of me, verbally. 

    A few years ago, I was dining in the patio of a nice restaurant, and a small group of 20-somethings were having drinks nearby.  The females were out-cursing the men 4:1 or better.  I was embarrassed for them.

    My theory is, people who use profanity generally have a small reason it disappoints me that my sons seem to have one adjective/adverb for nearly everything.  

    In everyday conversation, swearing is obnoxious and ignorant. In anger or confrontation, it is antagonistic....also unnecessary. 

    It's too often easier to let a stream of &^*$%&^ spew instead of making an intelligent, rational statement to express one's feelings.  


    Yup, Of course, I practice verbal moderation too. Profanity is a crutch or club for the ignorant and hostile. Useful in getting a point across when politeness is pointless. A jab is occasionally enough, and the room can burst into flames of ferocious intensity.....if need be.

    Case in point would be my "former" sibling and her spawn. Better to say nothing in this case. Reason falls on deaf ears, profanity born of frustration serves no useful purpose.

    When things get that bad, I go for breaking glass...then tossing lit matches onto offenders while holding a can of lighter fluid.

    I know my grand kids use really bad language! I think because so many young ones use lots of 4 letter words that they don't even realize they are profane! Darn!

    clu, totally agree with commonplace

    Ah yes....So thats why my parents would not use any profanity around me and held their hands over my ears when others used profanity within ear-shout. When I learned profanity well enough to use it in conversation, I learned about it's habitual use as a crutch to get from one thought to another, etc.

    Not a day passes without a song of profane cacophony from dusk to dusk. That squalling reek of lies and swears preceding a passionate embrace and then silence...amid hushed ohs and ahas in all directions.   


    Naive Don, I think he was talking about sex

    I used to swear a lot, it still comes easy to me but I’m trying to find some replacement words instead like my dad, he said  "tarnation, crimeny," and sadly “Jesus Christ”……...


    I used to say "Hector Fudge Brownies" and am not sure for what that substituted! :?

    Dag nab it!!!!!!!!!
    country bumpkin

    Shucky darn!

    terryfossil 1

    country bumpkin

    cheese and rice!


    saying, '' Jesus Christ '' is taking the Lords name in vain. I hate it in movies and TV shows when they write that into the script. They wouldn't have the characters using the names of other spiritual leaders from other major religions in an irreverent way .!

    MCM, I couldn't agree with you more. I cringe when I hear that, or the G...... D...... expression. Really vulgar.

    Same here....hate it.

    I curse very fluently in 3 languages. Each has its unique, colourful, culture-specific repertoire that truly illuminates any serious conversation.

    Depending on the company of the day, I tend to use them quite regularly and on a daily basis.


    Wow, impressive.

    Well, let me tell you,Ducky. It has taken me years and years of dedicated practice to get to the proficiency level that I'm at. Nothin' comes %#&(@!+ easy in life !

    I'm guessing you started in your teens and set "become good curser" as one of your goals? Good job! :)

    Just like elite professional athletes, it all starts with natural-born talent, starting very young, great coaching and relentless practice.

    I'm happy for you, that someone spotted your talent at an early age. It's shameful when talent goes unrecognized. Imagine, you could have ended up having to speak to people without cursing. How %#@*+% uncomfortable would THAT be?

    @CB....not ALL Canadians are like digger. He is unique! :)

    i think the more we know the better.  being a swearer is great, but you got to know when to hold them, as kenny rogers says, and know when to use them swear words.  maybe if a ufo is chasing you pointing a radar gun at you, that might be a good time to swear like a bloke.

    I do not feel this has anything whatsoever to do with gender - I have worked with the very best and they swear - it is not always meant or taken in a defensive way. Here we go again with the stereotyping.

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