13 Answers
It seems to be commonplace nowadays in my neck of the woods, I personally don't mind it too much in certain circumstances but there are limits in all situations,in private is ok for me, not in public, I swear a wee bit myself but I know when and where I can do it.
PS: The small kids in my area can outswear any of the adults, sign of the times I suppose, I never heard my late Mother pass a cuss word through her lips in my life, another sign of the times?
10 years ago. Rating: 16 | |

Yes, they learned this from their dad. Roy and I can hear the father regularly screaming at them using his two favorite words which are stupid and the F word.

No class and probably lacking in self-esteem. (She'll use "shock" to get your attention.) I also think that young women nowadays, feel as though they must keep up with the "boys".
10 years ago. Rating: 14 | |

I can send out a string of cussing that could take on a life of it's own and sail around the cosmos!
I have noticed in life that pretty much all cuss words have something to do with a bodily function and that we humans have very creatively decided to use them as an insult or show of anger or simply, a 'cultural' way of getting one's point across... I am rarely, if ever offended.
10 years ago. Rating: 13 | |
I do my best swearing at other drivers and things that don't work right! The drivers never hear me! However I think my lawnmower has been offended by what I told it would happen very soon!!
10 years ago. Rating: 13 | |
My sons continue to explain that my words are useless if the other person doesn't hear them. They are helpful to me...I'd probably run someone off the road eventually otherwise.
I try to avoid it, but driving brings out the worst of me, verbally.
A few years ago, I was dining in the patio of a nice restaurant, and a small group of 20-somethings were having drinks nearby. The females were out-cursing the men 4:1 or better. I was embarrassed for them.
My theory is, people who use profanity generally have a small vocabulary...one reason it disappoints me that my sons seem to have one adjective/adverb for nearly everything.
In everyday conversation, swearing is obnoxious and ignorant. In anger or confrontation, it is antagonistic....also unnecessary.
It's too often easier to let a stream of &^*$%&^ spew instead of making an intelligent, rational statement to express one's feelings.
10 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
I used to swear a lot, it still comes easy to me but I’m trying to find some replacement words instead like my dad, he said "tarnation, crimeny," and sadly “Jesus Christ”……...
10 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
I curse very fluently in 3 languages. Each has its unique, colourful, culture-specific repertoire that truly illuminates any serious conversation.
Depending on the company of the day, I tend to use them quite regularly and on a daily basis.
10 years ago. Rating: 8 | |