    What is your favorite t.v. game show of all time?

    +4  Views: 1001 Answers: 6 Posted: 10 years ago

    6 Answers

    Bowling for dollars, got to do it when I was in 7th grade,and beat all the adults. Deal or no deal.


    VERY COOL, zorro! Bowling is my kind of game! :D

    It WAS THE PRICE IS RIGHT, so much fun util Bob/PKB and I went to one taping and saw what REALLY went on. What a let down……...


    What really went on?

    Drew told off colored jokes during the commercials and played only to one side of the crowd, George Grey ran the show and did all of the work. The contestants are pre-selected while standing in line. It is NOT a random selection, drop of the hat per say.
    When you see the models showing off a prize, it’s not happening as you see them, they go off camera and reshoot the actions. George got the crowd ready, encouraged employees, he WORKED! I don’t just sit to watch TPR anymore but I will on Oct 21. That’s the day Phyllis and I were there. We are in the middle section, Drew’s right hand side, upper back corner on the isle. Phyllis is wear red and I had on a PRICE IS RIGHT LIVE T-shirt…...

    Oh...I thought I saw you. Didn't you win that car?

    "They go off camera and reshoot the actions"? What does that mean Julie?

    When you see on TV the model showing off a prize, that is actually a retake that was made. They don’t actually show off the car that way (or whatever). Maybe Phyllis can explain it better……..

    Ok. Send her over here. :)

    The set is quite small, and the audience maxes out at 325. Drew wasn't funny at all; made stupid references to drugs and pretended to be smoking a cigarette and drinking a cocktail (Dean Martin style). We were encouraged to scream and shout and give price advice to pre-selected contestants. Our side of the audience was TOTALLY ignored, and often Drew would just turn on his heel and walk off. We got in line at 10:30 A.M. and had "tickets", not "PRIORITY" tickets, which you can get if you know they are available (which I did NOT). So, all the priority tickets get entry first, which was 245 people going ahead of us (we were the FIRST of the regular ticketed people and only 10 of the priority ticket holders were in front of us in the line at the beginning, and ended up being #246 and 247). It was disheartening to stand in the line, basically in the street, until nearly 1:00 P.M. THEN, we got to stand in ANOTHER line, sit in a line, stand in another line, sit, sit, stand, sit, stand. It was after 4:00 P.M. when we finally got into the studio. Someone stands onstage with a card telling you when to cheer. The day we were there, NOBODY won any of the bonus prizes, and almost every bidding round had those creeps who up the bid by $1. It was a flat show.
    As for reshooting, the models were set with the prizes and the prizes were announced. BUT, during commercial breaks, the "scenes" were refilmed. Maybe it was so they could get some closeups of the prizes.
    It was a huge disappointment and I felt badly for Julie, who was a die-hard PIR fan. :( The icing on the cake was a drawing for $100 for an audience member. The number called was #245).

    Thanks Bob. That's too bad. It sounds though, the same as my friend described it when she went to the taping years ago, with Bob Barker. She described him as arrogant and rude and she said that he "killed" the show for her, being so condescending to other staff and even audience members who tried to chat with him. She mentioned standing and waiting also and that she would never recommend that adventure to anyone! Very disappointing. :(

    I'd heard Bob Barker wasn't very nice, too. Really makes me stop and think if anyone in show business IS nice (except I met Bob Newhart and Dean Martin and they WERE nice!)

    Do you want to keep your I.D.,Bob/PKB since Barker not that nice and you are? Drew/PKB doesn't do it either!

    Bob/PKB will have to do. I got really upset with the cashier at Kohl's today, so better keep the "Bob". I was pretty direct with her.

    So, I guess the price wasn't right at Kohl's!

    They have a promo where you get a $10 gift certificate for every $50 (pre-tax). I was at $140 and the cashier didn't say anything (I could find $10 more to spend). They also have a "reward card" that is swiped (or you give a phone number) and you get something after every so many points. The FIRST cashier didn't tell me where me spending was (There was a $5 cookbook for my daughter-in-law and 2 stuffed toys @ $5/ea for my little grandchildren). SO I got to use my first spending amount to add to the second and the second cashier didn't ask for my reward card, then told me she couldn't do anything about it. When I told her I'd be happy to return everything, she said I couldn't return at the cash register. I told her I'd be happy to talk to a manager about the inconvenience and her forgetfulness. She got a manager to void the purchased and started over, doing it right. Those are two features the Kohl's customers appreciate; for two cashiers to be so negligent was ridiculous....they weren't busy.

    Kohl’s? I thought is was CostCo. Oh, never mind…….

    Jeopardy. I watch it every night I am home.




    Yep! ;)

    My favorite TV game show is:

    Let's Make A Deal

    Jeopary!  I've been watching it since the days of the cardboard pull-outs on the question board and Art Fleming as the host. I watch it almost every night and love it when they have championship weeks.

    country bumpkin

    HA! I thought Jeapordy was a new show when Alex became host. Take a look here
    How did they get the question boxes to open up to be viewed, was there a Vanna White hiding behind there?

    "This video is not available in your country". Somebody was behind that board but probably not a Vanna White. More likely, a guy dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt. Every once in a while, the piece of cardboard would stick a little, and s/he would have to pull at it again. :)

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