    Do you tend to "mind your own business"?


    +6  Views: 1160 Answers: 7 Posted: 10 years ago


    No shizzle Ducky...bwahaha!

    7 Answers

    Oh yes and EVERYTHING is my business! So, tell me....tell me.      :)


    Out of tu back!..Great answer!:-)

    My first tu of the day!:-)XX

    I have too much going on [she snickered] to be bothered with meddling... in cases of abuse or injustice however... suffice it to say that I certainly don't stand idly by.... I do make sure that the 'victim' is actually in need of and desirous of help or interference of some sort first however because you never really know what could be going on....[she said mysteriously as she levitated backward into the glowing mist....]



    I do mind my own business , but  I find it very hard sometimes when someone is being a real @%$*.




    Hey Clonge,when i was younger and knocked around with the gangs ,i ended up with a tattoo on me ,dedicated to my ability to stick my nose into any fracas i had a mind to,,now in my 60's i wait for that possibilty to come my way,,hopefully i will be waiting right up until i die...>>>>>>><<<<<<

    What fun is that? I learn from nosing in the business of others! Mostly though it is just junk I don't care about so I guess I'm just a home body!!

    Every time I see a problem that I think I know how to resolve, I ask that part of God within if I should. If I am told not to get involved...I avoid getting into the situation. When told to respond, I do without hesitation. There are folks who set-up situations that many would respond to, apparently expecting me to do likewise...I am always told to stay out of those set-ups.

    I have responded to many problems and helped many with a few kind words, money, a meal, or whatever was needed at the time. Responding approprately rarely involves romance, seldom involves money, but can develop into an adventurous series of events that, so far have all ended well.         


    More people needed like you Rob...Too many people walk on by and leave others in trouble!XX

    No...I`m too interested in what`s going on around me...Just this a.m. I took pictures for tourists..two lots of Americans in Portobello Road,London...and God help anyone wandering around with a map looking confused!:-0...I`m sorry but I just can`t help myself!!!...I think I need a restraining order!!:-)

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