    This may seem really stupid to be on here, but, I literally feel so bad about myself. I've lost weight, but it still view myself as fat and I truly wish I didn't. Every time I look at myself in the mirror, I literally always point out places I view fat. It's especially bad whenever I look for new jeans. I always talk myself out of buying new jeans because I think they give me a muffin top, when a lot of the times they do. It's not because they literally don't fit, I can't go up a bigger size bec

    +2  Views: 567 Answers: 6 Posted: 10 years ago

    ....because why .......?

    6 Answers


    #1.  You did not finish the sentence about having a muffin top  in jeans and how you can't go up another size, but I THINK I know what you mean so I'll give it a shot.  Some women have hips that  are dis-proportioned  to the size of their waist.  Some women have hips which are much smaller than their waist and some women have hips which are a lot larger than their waist.   The issue this creates when buying new jeans is that when you find a pair that fits well on the hips the jeans are to big in the waist. Yes, you can exercise to your heart contents to try to correct the problem, but there is no guarantee it will work. What this means as far as my experience goes is that you will have to buy jeans which are  loose in the waist to be comfortable and accommodate your saddle bags so get out the large safety pin or belt to hold up your jeans. 

    #2. Please do not be so hard  on yourself about  your weight or shape of your body .   Eat healthy foods as often as you can ( It's hard on a budget). Exercise at least three days a week ( walking is FREE).

    Most people do not see us the way we see ourselves because women( as individuals) tend to make  harsher judgments about our own bodies.


    #3. Please look at this picture and read this story:



    ['hoooonnk' she honked into her hanky... 'sniffle' said her shnozz..] tnx bunkin ;)

    You need to check with your doctor to see what your proper weight should be. Then make an appointment with a nutritionist to start on a healthy diet.To be obsessing over your size, is not a good sign.

    I also feel overweight! I hide my waist with tops that cover my middle and big hips!  If you buy bigger pants and they are loose you can say"oh darn My pants don't fit I need something smaller!"  If you are loosing weight I say Good for you!   Good Luck Sweetie!


    I wear big, blousy tops to hide my belly bulge.That's the only place I'm overweight. LOL The rest of me is still slim.

    Sounds to me like a psychological problem.  Anorexics also view themselves as fat when looking in a mirror. This is a fixation in your mind and you need to work on that, not your 'perceived' fat.  Hollywood would have all women skinny and tall with no natural differences except for hair color and the clothes they wear.  What is sad is that there are many that feel insecure that they can not fit this fake Hollywood culture.  I am assuming you are a female as this problem seems to attack more women than men.  You need to have confidence in yourself, its there but you think people judge you solely on the size of your muffin top.  The only person it affects is you, other people around you could care less, you are robbing yourself of your own popularity.  Just be yourself and you will find yourself as being perfect!   Now go live!!!     

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