11 Answers
My sleeping pattern has been wacky for the past year especially since the spring and summer months. It does not get dark here until about 10:30 or 11:00 so it seems early in the evening to me and I'm not tired. When I am finally ready for bed it's usually 3 or 3:30 am. Unfortunately this is the time the noisy seagulls start flying in from the ocean because the sun is already beginning to shine (it's light outside by 4:00). I didn't go to bed Friday night. I stayed up until 9:45 Saturday morning.
Needless to say, but I sleep late these days. I would like to go to bed earlier so I'll wake up earlier because I enjoy my mornings.
10 years ago. Rating: 16 | |
I like to get up early and drink coffee by my lonesome……..
10 years ago. Rating: 15 | |
Your husband's JOB is to awaken you? Do you pay him for that, provide medical insurance and a 401k?
10 years ago. Rating: 13 | |

I usually get up at 6.45am when I'm going to work, and about 8.30am if I'm not. Your husband is not doing his job itsmee, best tell him you'll get yourself a younger version if he doesn't get his act together. I told my wife that ,when she was slacking one day, her answer is not printable.
10 years ago. Rating: 13 | |
Duty calls & we are up at 4:00 am.I get to talk things over with Maggie for about 30 mins before we have to start caring for Susan.But I love the mornings & I have always said that an hour in the morning is worth 2 in the afternoon,as far as getting things done is concerned.
10 years ago. Rating: 12 | |

Why is it your husban's 'Job' to awaken you??? That should be your job! I have as everyone has an internal bio clock. When I set my mind, I get up right as the second hand passes 12. Like magic, never lets me down, dead tired up all night or not, I tell myself to wake at 7AM, as the second hand passes 12, I up up. I set my bio-clock each night by looking at the clock just before turning off the lights. I have never had to ask my wife to awaken me, or ever used an alarm clock.. Trust in yourself! many people do this.
10 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
Oh man ... I just wander around and do whatever the hay I please really... I am often insomniac but I don't care anymore about it and my girls determine whether I 'sleep in' or not as I am also a wonderful chauffeur because I will drive them anywhere, anytime.... I used to party like a hound when I was a musician because that's what we got paid to do and I rarely slept then .... sleep is over-rated really... if I didn't have to sleep I would get so much more rambling and puttering around in .... it would be very cool.... I would cover the island in gardens or some such maniacal dream.... Zzz .. zz .. zzzz
10 years ago. Rating: 8 | |

Why do most of the folks [ that I have asked anyway] out here sleep only 6 hours? Nothing even opens before 9 am except gas stations and we're on an island! Where is there to go? There are no full time jobs out here because employers have figured out that it is cheaper in the tax game to hire several part timers versus a few full timers! More time to sleep! LOL

{'Scuse me diction Duckers}!
koo roo koo koo etc.... lol