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4 Answers
I would like to see lots of new people asking questions especially recipe questions.
10 years ago. Rating: 9 | |

So I've heard. When Roy was 15 he had a "turd" of a boss who liked to drink very strong-very sweet tea. Roy put Epson salt in his tea and the boss had to leave early that day and missed two days of work.
I don't see how anyone would not be able to taste it. Bluh...Bluh...Bluh...
Can you believe Roy would pull such a stunt!! LOL
I don't see how anyone would not be able to taste it. Bluh...Bluh...Bluh...
Can you believe Roy would pull such a stunt!! LOL

The boss didn't find out and yes he went into the navy soon after.
Ducky you know him so well.LOL
Ducky you know him so well.LOL
Yes, that would be nice. You've been back a short while, itsmee, and I get the feeling you are really dissatisfied with a lot of things in your life right now. THIS site needs its members to be positive and upbeat, as far as I'm concerned.
Maybe you could refer the people from the website you went to when you were on hiatus here and suggest the members check our akaQA.
Like Julie says, go out and make something happen.
10 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
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