12 Answers
There is only one piece of advice to be given,,stand with all the rest of the countries to demand Russia come clean about it's involvement in the murder of a plane load of civilians,or denounce the people who did it,,However there is a few countries who will not make to much noise,due to the monetary trade with Russia,,Putin just has to wait until this incident is off the front page's of newspapers,and then it will all fade into history,,but if we want something to happen we must stand together in unity,,not just wait for one country to act>><<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
10 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
There were 28 Aussies on that plane including a grand-dad & 3 little kids.Nuke the B*****D!
10 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
Terry...WWIII....I hope not mate.

Do what Reagan would have done.
10 years ago. Rating: 8 | |

And as the world watches, two of its strongest leaders are at play.
At the table? Russian President Putin, not kidding around as evidenced by pro-Russian separatists, who most agree have blown a civilian plane from the sky.
And at the table? Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, not kidding around, as evidenced by as many as 50,000 Israeli boots on the ground to blow up the tunnels used by Hamas terrorists to store weapons and stage attacks.
And on the sidelines watching and dithering, our leader, Barack Obama.
But Americans don't want a spectator, they want a leader who's also not kidding around. Americans want a president not afraid to get in the game, secure our future and re-assert himself on the world stage.
In fact, it's what we're used to: it's in the DNA of American presidents. But can the man who occupies the White House today even be that leader?
As five of the world's worst crises are at play, they may seem geographically distant, but in truth, your security and freedom are in imminent danger.
Number one: Iraq.
Sunni militant group ISIS has plundered and murdered their fellow countrymen, they've taken over parts of Iraq, Syria, and the border of Jordan. Their leader, another experienced player, has boasted that he'll see us in New York.
Two: Syria. Civil war has taken the lives of well over 170,000 people as 16 different rebel groups join forces against Assad.
Three: Ukraine. Pro-Russian separatists at war with the Ukraine government.
Four: Israel and Hamas, a continuing fight by America's strongest ally in the Middle East.
And five: the United States southern border, where immigrants, admitted gang bangers - many without vaccinations - are infiltrating our border.
Actually, when you think about it, we're in a hell of a mess! And Mr. President, you need to get your act together, put on your big boy pants and get in the game with a coherent foreign policy.
First, Iraq and Syria: we need a consistent foreign policy. Mr. President, do you even know whose side we're on? Get this one, in Syria, we support rebels fighting against Iran and Russia, and in Iraq, we're working with Iran and Russia against ISIS.
Do you ever feel conflicted? Mr. President, you can't have it both ways. How do you know whether to shake someone's hand or throw a bomb at them? How do you know who to invite to lunch and who to invite to an ambush?
And three: Ukraine. Mr. President, you've got to stop with your ridiculous reset button:
"I think we have an excellent opportunity to reset the relationship between the United States and Russia."
And the empty threats:
"And indeed, the United States will stand with the international community in affirming that there will be costs for any military intervention in Ukraine."
Here's a thought. Sanctions against Putin must be so strong and so immediate and so certain that they bring him to his knees. It looks like the weaponry used to shoot down that civilian plane was given by Russia to the separatists or that Russia at least trained them to use it.
Here's another thought. Instead of leading from behind, try getting Europe behind you on this one. We run NATO! It's our four-star generals, it's our money, it's our intel. You've got a chance now of Europe joining you because 10 countries lost citizens on that plane that was shot down. Just do it!
And four: Israel. Hamas is a terror organization, pure and simple. The U.N. may legitimize it, but it is a terrorist organization initially funded by the Muslim Brotherhood. At least the Egyptian's new president Al-Sisi, another strong player, had the courage to throw them out. We need to assist our ally Israel to finish them once and for all. And stop with the pussyfooting around and help the one ally that we have in the Middle East.
And finally, to our border. Stop throwing money that we don't have at problems! Where did you learn that anyway? You can't just send money to Honduras and you can't send immigrants under the cover of darkness - whose backgrounds we don't know, many with gang tattoos and whose health records we don't even have - all over our country! You need to ship them out now. And if you can't secure the border, militarize it.
And take that fancy pen of yours that you're always bragging about and change the law so that we don't have to keep them here for five years while they continue to drain us with costs of education, medication, housing, lawyers, judges, advisers and translators.
Mr. President, it's time to be a real ally to the people we need for the alleged tranquility your press person thinks you have bestowed on the world, another delusional conclusion. It's time to step up on the world stage to do something Reagan-esque.
Yes indeed, the cards have been dealt - and whether you like it or not - it's time to sit at the table and get in the game.
If you would ante up and be the leader that America needs, then Americans will not only rally around the flag, not only put their differences aside, but they might actually cheer you on.
And here's an example, in case you need it, of what a leader needs to do:
"This is not a role we sought. We preach no manifest destiny. But like Americans who began this country and brought forth this last, best hope of mankind, history has asked much of the Americans of our own time. Much we have already given; much more we must be prepared to give." - Reagan
The only question, Mr. President, as you take your seat at the table, can you rise to the occasion? Can you be the leader that America demands at this dangerous time in history?
Your bluffing will never work in this high stakes game. - Jeanine Pirro
We need a decisive man like Ronald Reagan, or Dwight Eisenhower
Obummer should tell Putin that he knows this is a trap to get the U.S. to make military moves against Russia. So, then Russia can tell everyone that it's W W III and that the U.S. started it. Then Obummer should say that we're not going to fall for it and that Ukraine and Russia should work out their own problems, or get help from other countries, b/c the U.S. is broke !
10 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
The advice I would give Obama is 'RESIGN' and allow someone in that can show some fortitude! This does not mean war! It means we need someone that has the experience beyond the streets of Chicago. Someone that can look them in the eyes and make them wonder. For the Democrats, Kennedy had this! Bay of pigs. Did not result in war but his poker face placed reasonable doubt. Obama is not respected in any country, he's made the USA weak and our foreign policies are laughable and foreign affairs are a joke. There is not one leader of a country out there that looks to him as their equal. Certainly not Putin.
Too bad European oil comes from Russia and underground Ukraine. I wish Obama and the coconuts would let us drill, we would send you some of ours. We have enough for the next 500+ years at current world usage. Certainly by then we would have found a new source of clean energy.
10 years ago. Rating: 4 | |