    If you purchase something you don't like, are you afraid to take it back?

    +4  Views: 823 Answers: 5 Posted: 10 years ago

    5 Answers

    No. I don’t like the trouble it takes. I’ll put up with it. BUT, I’m very careful about what I buy, I make sure it’s what I want……...

    I grocery shop with a list in my hand. As far as other items, I rarely buy anything that I don't "love" and it's usually been "on my list" for quite a while. If it were an unsatisfactory big ticket item, I would return it but not a small item that only cost me a few dollars. It costs more for the gas to get there.       (Afraid? Hah!)

    Not at all, tabber!  I have several things that need to be returned to Kohl's and Target.  I returned fried chicken to the grocery store several times because the deli there wasn't cooking it thoroughly.  I gave them so many chances to get that right, but apparently there is a really impatient person working the fryer. 


    Let’s not eat any fried chicken, ‘kay?

    Absolutely not. Now, calamari, on the other hand, is a must!

    You may, of course but, I don’t eat anything that swims…….

    You are missing out on some good stuff, girl!

    I’m a cheap date. Just give me burgers……..

    Well, I am kind of hesitant to return my new electric lawn mower, b/c there's nothing wrong with it. I've just decided I want a self-propelled electric one........if there is such an animal. The store might not take it back. I did see an ad for a gas powered self propelled mower for only  $ 250. at Mernards.  I 'm afraid I'll lose face with my friends when I return it b/c I told them how much better it is to have an elec  push button start instead of messing with gas and oil. My mower works with a cord....actually two long cords put together.  It still almost doesn't reach my grass at  the end of my neighbors driveway. And if I can't get Gary to put it in his vehicle to take it back with me.; and to go to Menards with me to get the other one, then I'm stuck with this one that is not self-propelled and has a long cord.


    Go on pluck up courage an just be honest with them,take it back and just tell them its not the one for you as it to heavy for you to push,you are the customer and with a good store,The customer is always right,ps,hows the cat??

    Hector is right, MCM; take it back and get the one you want. If friends smirk, tell them you made a mistake. Big deal. NOT

    Thanks for the support, Hect and PKB. ♥

    That's why we are here! :D

    Not at all. I even return food if I'm trying it for the first time and find it's not the quality or flavor as advertised. Why would anyone fear returning a product they are not satisfied with? 


    I always thought you had to prove to the store clerk beyond the shadow of a doubt that something's wrong with it. You mean you can just say , " It isn't what I expected " ?

    I do. I've never had a store refuse to take it back.

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