    Do you like shopping on line? And/or have you tried it yet?

    +4  Views: 1611 Answers: 9 Posted: 10 years ago

    9 Answers

    I shop on line a lot, I find it cheaper and easier most of the time. I have bought alot of things on Amazon, I find their service pretty good. I bought a new sat nav a few weeks ago and it was 70% of the price in the shops, I bought a small leather look case to put it in a week later but it didn't turn up, however, after a couple of emails one which went direct to the supplier and one to Amazon I was refunded my money. I also bought a Kindle HD Fire last Christmas time, it froze up after about 6 months and I just couldn't get it to work, one email to Amazon and they phoned me within half an hour and talked me through putting it right. Pretty good service I would say.


    i feel like that too.

    That sounds encouraging.

    As yet, I have not ordered anything online. I need to feel, examine, turn it over, ask face to face questions, measure it, picture it in my house or on me, see other colors and sizes, hold it some more, put in down, pick it up.....      (You get the idea.)              :)

    I ordered a red bean bag online last month. It was a little smaller than how it looked in the photos, but it was true to the colour. There were no delays with the time of delivery either.


    Is it used for a bean bag toss or what?
    country bumpkin

    It's one you sit on and it has a little bean bag foot stool that matches it.
    It looks like this one here>

    Ah, a bean bag CHAIR! You do know that I was teasing you. You said "a red bean bag". LOL!!!
    country bumpkin

    HA! I know you'e kidding. I'm a dork! LOL

    I've been called that too! lol

    I love it! If it “feels” right, I’ll buy it.  Just got a new pair of sandals that fit just swell that I’m taking to CA. And I’m about to buy new bras that are measured to fit. Shopping on line is great!


    You're braver than I. :)

    I have tried it.I have had a couple of disappointments.I prefer to research a product online but go to the store.Look at it & see exactly what I am getting for my money.

    i dont like shopping on line


    I only shop online if free shipping is offered. Shopping online has 3 good benefits in my opinion; price is cheaper than stores, no sales tax charged (a few states do charge sales tax however so check to see if your state is one) and of course, the free shipping. The only draw back to shopping on line is you have to wait to get the product but most companies ship pretty fast now. 

    Thanks, Tabber! I'll keep looking. I intend to become wealthy in the near future, so to some of the women out there, 50+ years of age, will suddenly seem like 25+ (Clonge Formula: Men+Money=Actual age/2).


    right, aman, right!

    I "shopped" online for a wife. Found one on a dating site, now we're going through a divorce. No, I DON'T LIKE IT!


    Clonge i don't know why your answer was funny to me. but it tickled me quite a bit. Now Clonge, we all know relationships are some of the most difficult things we can get involved in. However, keep the faith. i have been married twice and would do it again. remember "one monkey don't stop the show". also, "too many fish in the sea." Saying that, be optimistic. there's somebody else out there for you. there is somebody for everybody all the time if we stay open to the gifts that are walking around us all the time. i don't care if one is pretty, ugly, tall, short or fat. i knew a girl that was in a wheelchair. she wanted a boyfriend. she ended up getting a boy that was also in a wheelchair. they kissed and hugged and everything. that's all we all want. a nice lover/companion. one more: i have a friend with one tooth. we were trying to help him find a woman. he finally met a woman and guess what . . . she had one tooth. they broke up, but are still friends. so my point is, try some more sites. good luck friend!

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