I loved reading the comic books featuring Archie and his friends, Jughead, Betty, and Veronica. This article is from 4/2014.
Is this really what you would have expected? Any opinions??
7 Answers
I find it sad that anything produced to appeal to children, whether it's TV shows, movies or comic books, must now have an adult theme. We force children to grow up and do it quickly. No wonder kids are unaware of what it means to "go outside and play".
10 years ago. Rating: 7 | |

NO WAY!!! I thought he would live forever. Give my regards to Veronica,Jughead & the rest of the gang.
I loved those comics when I was a kid.
10 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
Thanks a lot, Bob. Really makes my morning. Can’t wait to tell James. Why kill him off, though? Did the artist get tired of drawing freckles? (Archie did have freckles, didn’t he?)…….
10 years ago. Rating: 6 | |

You're welcome.
There must be two Archie Andrews, because the one I remember was a ventriloquist's dummy who had a radio programme called Educating Archie. Yes, a radio prog featuring a ventriloquist and his operator Peter Brough, a bizarre combination which we in the 1950's and 60's did not find odd.
10 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Just the Archie from that particular alternate universe. Archie the teen lives on in the universe we grew up with. There are many different Archie stories that have been created. He's different ages and living different lives, depending on the universe. In one, he's married to Veronica, in another he's married to Betty and has kids. In this particular universe he gets killed. There are many other Archie stories that he lives on through. Marvel is showing their political side with this one.
10 years ago. Rating: 2 | |

I used to love those Archie and Veronica comic books. I loved the Disney comic books too......and the Warner Bros ones. If my mom wouldn't have gotten rid of our stack of them, we could have raked in a lot of money for them now. but, who knew they'd be a collectors item .
10 years ago. Rating: 2 | |