6 Answers
Further than even my half good eye can see.
Take a look...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kV33t8U6w28
10 years ago. Rating: 8 | |

You lost me at 1:33.
I had to postpone my operation on eye for an extra week, you will probably get yours before me now. I am set for July 28 on bad eye, good one week later.

Yeah you're back! How was your vacation? We're counting down the days until Roy has his surgery. Perhaps you can post close up before and after pics of your eyeball Ray. LOL
Oh, I will have both done by then... I will try to send pics, but I am not much of a techie. The vacation was great, as far as spending time with family. The weather however, was not really beach weather. We had a few days of rainout, and I did not swim at all. I waded in once. Many times we were at beach with sweat shirts. But with 6 bedrooms, we had family and friends most of the time. We drank a wee bit...

A wee bit to drink. I would have been in need for a wee bit of drink myself if I had this much family visiting in such a short amount of time. LOL
Think of the expansion as a Mobius Strip, always continuing w/o end. Did I spell Mobius right? Oh, no, I found it: Möbius strip |?m?b??s|nouna surface with one continuous side formed by joining the ends of a rectangular strip after twisting one end through 180°.
ORIGIN early 20th cent.: named after August F.Möbius (1790–1868), German mathematician.
10 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
I know it extends at least 5 thousand miles. (*~*)
10 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
i boarded a UFO in the 1940's when i was flying over the Bermuda. it was awesome, they had hamburgers made of evolved beef, mepsi; an evolved pepsi. Their TV was soo flat that it ceased existing. they promised me they would return very soon still waiting i get to meet them on tkype where we can video chat and i get to see their planet
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