    can varicose veins rupture

    +1  Views: 1253 Answers: 2 Posted: 10 years ago

    2 Answers

    If you haven't yet, you should see a doctor. In the meantime, click here for info.

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    A ruptured varicose vein can be a serious medical emergency that can put a patient at risk of death as a result of clotting that causes Deep Vein Thrombosis or blood loss. The risk of this unfortunate complication of varicose veins is increased as we age, due to the fact that our skins get thinner so relatively minor bangs and scratches can result in a rupture because of the site of varicose veins close to the surface of the skin.

    Ruptures can also occur spontaneously due to veins being overstretched as a result of excess pressure because of obesity or high blood pressure, or some other condition that cause the vein cell structure to weaken to the extent that the vein walls fail. In contrast to a normal vein, the pressure inside a varicose vein is much higher than is usual, so the risk of a serious, life threatening bleed is significantly higher. This is particularly bad for people who are frail or and have an underlying medical condition so being aware of the dangers can be very useful should the need arise.

    When a ruptured varicose vein occurs, there are some essential first aid tips that can prevent more severe consequences like bleeding out occuring:

    From varicose veins secrets

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