8 Answers
Absolutely! I think women should be able to have any number of husbands that they so choose.
10 years ago. Rating: 11 | |

Oh, you were talking about the privileges of MAN! Sorry.
Having lived in open communes, I found there are plenty of folks without any idea of who they are, what they are doing and how they got into their situation...going bed to bed to bed in a long term social/cultural orgy in a drugged-out drunken stupor for months on end. Ducky may have been there too. It was funny, fun, well beyond depict-ability. I graduated and left for a more normal life as my choice...but it was a wonderful time and I am still close friends with all of them. After that, why would anyone consider marriage?
Added after comments below:
polyandry |ˈpälēˌandrē|
polygamy in which a woman has more than one husband. Compare with polygyny.
• Zoology a pattern of mating in which a female animal has more than one male mate.
polyandrous |ˌpälēˈandrəs| adjective
Just consider a new name....Polyannarous, Polyanamors, Polybob, or Chuck, Larry, 'And on'.
In the Bible..."there is no marriage or giving in marriage in Heaven."
Added after comments below:
polyandry |ˈpälēˌandrē|
polygamy in which a woman has more than one husband. Compare with polygyny.
• Zoology a pattern of mating in which a female animal has more than one male mate.
polyandrous |ˌpälēˈandrəs| adjective
Just consider a new name....Polyannarous, Polyanamors, Polybob, or Chuck, Larry, 'And on'.
In the Bible..."there is no marriage or giving in marriage in Heaven."
I don't think so.Just because other cultures do it doesn't make it right.
10 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
Right v. Wrong? "Do to others as you would have them do to you" gets a lot more smile-age than drawling lines not to cross.
God set up marriage for the protection of the children.........so that each child could have both a mother and a father. That is needed for the child's socio -psycho-sexual development. The husband having more than one wife, spreads him very thin, and is not fair to the children. He would be a part time father.
10 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Have you lost your mind
10 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Yes, and I would like to add that it has all been a wonderful experience that I would gladly repeat similarly were the opportunity mine.
Yes, it's about time women got to have several husbands... yes! As long as they don't meet it could maybe work! ;)
10 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
If you prefer to have many men who never meet then there is a way to do that. 1. work as an airline stewardess...you could have a man in every time zone 2. organize the schedules of several coast to coast truck drivers. Politicians are expected to to meet with many people. Sales representatives often represent several companies to many clients. Gosh...there are so menu opportunities for women to have many breadwinning husbands....I may have to consider a sex change...but then there are so many gay men in business.....oh, this isn't about me...and I'm attracted to women.
My change of thinking here is that if the men can have many wives then the wife can have many husbands...see? ;)
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