6 Answers
Funny thing that.Maggie & I have discussed this a few times as well.I have no doubts that she will outlive me. I am seriously trying to get things in order for her to handle them when the time comes.
I think I am already past my "Use BY" date. But no regrets. I have had a fulfilling life.:)
10 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
Tommyh what a great viewpoint. Keep enjoying your life and keep taking care of your heart, body, soul and your relationship. God bless you!!!
tommy, that's what my dad did. He said he hoped he would go before my mom ( and he did ) He started getting his affairs in order months before he died. He sold the summer cottage that he built so it wouldn't be burden on my mom
Hey Tom, your on the money mate,,Venny is 4 years older than me with a heart condition,and i knocked myself around a bit in my earlier life, i am trying to make it so she can be looked after or look after herself if i nod off,,mind you,between you and me,,if she nods off first,that could be a problem,but, worry about that one if it happens..All the best mate..>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< P.S.i notice not to many men have answered this question.......
My dad had everything in order so my mom didn't have to worry about money for the 12 years she succeeded him. HOWEVER, the trust they had drafted had two HUGE mistakes; as a result, my dad's wishes were completely disregarded (which breaks my heart for my dad), and my mother's wishes were modified (and if she knew how things turned out, she would have left things the way she and Dad had agreed). I would suggest having a second attorney examine your will/trust to make sure there are no loopholes or errors. A partner or subordinate in your lawyer's practice should be able to do this.
I’m kind of morbid I’m afraid. I’ve lost two siblings under the age of 60 (I’m 56) plus I’m diabetic which shortens my life considerably. I have no illusions that I will outlive anybody……...
10 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
speaking of morbidity, my father's older sister said she wanted to outlive everybody. she would show me her telephone book. Every time somebody died, she would cross their name out with a pencil. She died about 3 years ago at 94. Good thing is she had a fabulous, fun and fast life. She was also very beautiful. Well i guess it doesn't matter what kind of life we have, we're all leaving here. Morbidity celebrated.
jh, my life expectancy is skewed too, b/c I had cancer ; and it tends to come back. Plus, I have early diabetes and I get extra heart beats, that I'm taking pills for.
so? How do you answer a question such as TF’s? We both know we probably won’t make it to the age our parents were… Live to be living or live to be dying?
Just "Live" Julie.Life is only what you make of it.Focus on life not what happens after life.
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