My cat passed away a month ago. I had her for seven years. She showed up at my back door as skinny as a rail and so, the most obvious thought popped into my mind, "Feed the cat.". I really loved that cat.
I have never purchased a cat however, for the past 25 years a cat has owned me. Each one of them found me.
Today a new skinny and very cute cat came to live on my porch. I think this cat is here to stay. I have started the process of finding the owner. ... I have the feeling I am going to be owned by a new cat even though I promised my husband I would not rescue any more. ... of anything, (Tall order), ever again.
My question is, does this happen to anyone else? Do cats show up when there is a vacancy at your home?
My husband is not amused :)
8 Answers
Never had the luck of an animal finding us, we’re a good home for the beast. Our cats were all rescued from the pound though. My blond cat was feral to begin with and is the most loving. The other is all cat: stubborn, deaf, resistant, and aloof. We love them mucho……..
10 years ago. Rating: 13 | |

My dentist from Texas was in his 30's brown hair and blue eyes. He was a handsome fox too.
Somehow, on the day my father died, a kitten followed my then-13 year old son home from school. Very interesting, as he was picked up by a family friend and driven home, six miles away...
DOGS have been the ones to find our family, from the ones who were dumped over my parents' front yard brick fence to the ones who wandered into our yard. We never turned one away or took him/her to the pound.
10 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
Everybody came out ahead this time
I do believe that our pets pick us.
10 years ago. Rating: 8 | |