    James and I were watching the moon rise and saw the oddest thing…….

    An object was flying across the sky at a phenomenal amount of time at a 45 degree angle.  It was making no sound at all and suddenly it broke in half and disappeared.  What in this world was it? Way, way, way fast! 

    +6  Views: 788 Answers: 5 Posted: 10 years ago

    5 Answers

    It was a meteor.We heard about it on the news.


    Meteors don’t fly UP, this did. Up as a 45 degree angle……….

    We did have a meteor the other night.If that's not it then I have no explanation.
    Was it coming from the direction of Area 51?

    I had a meteor minor sports,500cc twin one of the best motor bikes Royal Enfield made,

    You're not the only one who saw it Julie.  Read here>>

    Hey jh, there was a part of a Russian rocket space junk that fell back to earth the other night,,that is what Tom is talking about,,the Russians put a satellite into space awhile back,and what fell back to earth was a section of the fuel tank from the rocket,,,that may have been what you seen,,,,,,,,,,,,,


    Falling up?

    I would love to say UFO, because I think everything that goes wrong in the U.S. is either a UFO's or terriosts.

    Awesomeness jh!

    We had one of these over the car last night as we crossed the orange bridge in town, it was cool until Storm started flipping out! She became extremely anxious and on the verge of panic but we were okay.... it had a neon green, a bright yellow and an electric blue light .. one on each corner... very strange sight at about 200 feet overhead.... it was about 30 feet long...darkened edges and a sky blue interior... eeeeps!



    Lindi, that pic looks like the planchette on an Ouija Board.

    Man! I never see UFOs but I did hear the horns ... The ones that people around the globe were chatting about a few years ago.

    Did you hear that sonic boom a few years back too? Louder than loud!

    No, but as we were in mid-renovations a few years back ... We slept in our guest room. I woke up to a very loud whirring sound directly above our house. Very strange and not a helicopter. The entire house shook. My husband, son and next door neighbours slept through it.

    I have no idea how they managed to do that. The noise was ridiculous.

    Fishes... I saw a gimongous mother ship over Vancouver about 14 years ago now... it was massive as I could see it from Dashwood outside of Qualicum! Four others were with me and they ranged from denial to totally freaked freaks!!!

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