    Bullying. Sad, isn't it? I have a feeling she'll be a "knockout" when she's older.


    +8  Views: 1138 Answers: 8 Posted: 10 years ago
    Tags: bullying

    Yes, She is cute. So many kids wear glasses today, that I doubt that she got bullied very much.

    8 Answers

    She's a wee cutie, hope she doesn't have issues with it in the future, I got bullied at primary school for being plump, now i'm kinda skinny and they are old fat bald men, go figure. BWAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I did not get where i am today by being Fat and bald,

    I'm not talking about you Dougal.
    Keep the weight off, always a good thing.

    I guess bullying was part of life for me and most of my friends when we were in school. It was all about everything and anything....wearing glasses, being too skinny, being too fat, having a weird haircut, having freckles, wearing "unsuitable" clothes, getting straight A's, getting straight E's....

    The difference nowadays is the internet, which makes bullying far more intense.

    She's already a knockout.Lovely little kid.

    I suppose I got bullied in Jr. High, I remember this one guy who was nice/mean. Silly me. I got bullied at home and was made fun of if I reacted with hurt. I learned early not to take bullying so personally……..

    My son got glasses in 4th grade (age 10). He didn't want to go to school, he said, because his classmates would make fun of him.  When I asked him why he thought that, he replied that he made fun of the 6-7 who already had glasses.

    Suddenly he realized making fun of people wasn't a good idea (especially when he was "on deck").  Suggesting he think of a good comeback to the teasing (THEN it was teasing), he went to school the next day with his new glasses.  After school, he told me only one girl teased him. He retaliated by saying, "Watch this: Glasses on", then removed them and said, "Glasses off". Then he pointed at her face and said, "Ugly ON', paused for a moment and added, "Oh, that's too bad.  Now, leave me alone."  

    He wasn't too loud, but every student (and the teacher) heard the exchange.  No one ever said another word to him about his glasses (or teased him about anything, actually).  Verbal son is a pro; one kid told me he never wanted to get on my son's bad side. "The things he says hurt more than getting hit".  I'll never forget that comment. 


    Churchill will be so proud his humour lives on.

    Hopefully, that is a good thing!

    Indeed it was, and is, look it up, it's quite amusing.

    Will do!
    When the kids are this young, I know the teachers at school hear what's going on. The teacher should call the parents of the bullies and inform them about their child. Unless the parents are bullies themselves, the children can be taught acceptance, and right/wrong. This little girl is being bullied now at this young age, she will eventually dread going to school and her grades could suffer.

    Bullies ridicule others to transfir their since of low self-esteem to others along with their collective band of fellow losers. Their attempt to get the "oh-nos" off, is born of their own humilation brought on by their similar treatment among their peers.

    The transfer of "guilt" to others is less commonly understood, though practiced even among adults and elderly in all walks of life. The process is to attach a 'shame or blame'; as if it were an object, onto another person or target...such as a telephone thrown through an open window in response to guilt.

    This practice stuffs our prison system to shut-up cultural guilt into warehouses. But these practices do not solve anything, because the problem is about being personally responsible for your wins and losses. Claiming another's 'win' carries a painful, life demeaning penality in lost self respect and respect for others.

    Bullying is such a problem that we need an answer to this that will abolish it's practice globally.      

    Back before many kids wore glasses, my mom got bullied for wearing them. They called her 4 eyes. I wore glasses since Kindergarten. Later on, my parents would not get me Contact Lens, b/c they did not want me to be happy.  The boys in my H.S. would not take out a girl that wore glasses. So,after graduation, I bought myself contacts, and had dates galore !

    addendum - - -In the 6th---9th  grades,I got bullied for having terminal acne; and it's worse for a girl than a guy. My mom took my brother to a dermatologist, but she didn't take me b/c she liked him better than me.


    Too bad both of your parents hated you so much. Maybe you should go for counselling so that you can be happy before you pass on.

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