    I feal lost,am i the only one?

    Lost as in life.  

    +3  Views: 1682 Answers: 9 Posted: 10 years ago

    9 Answers

    Why do you feel lost? Please explain.

    country bumpkin

    To the corner Dennis! Pronto!

    Yes,Dennis, This is serious !

    Hector gets the 'naughty chair' ... uh-oh... he ducked out the back exit ! ;D

    No man is an island, we all feel a little lost at times. Just let it go……...

    Yes we all feel that way from time to time,  try to be more positive,  life's not all bad and when you feel lost come and visit here, someone here will always perk you up or make you laugh.  It's why we're here .

    Night Walker - Yes it depends what contributes to this feeling. If you are a sensitive person - you will feel lost - most of the people in this  world feel found - and what are the reasons for this - my feelings are power and greed. You are probably not  so out of step with this world and wondering where do I fit in - do not feel lost it is probably the way to feel for the right reasons.

    Quite often.
    When I focus more on my faith (and I'm never IN focus the way I would like to be), I'm more grounded.  

    You may be experiencing what is known as a 'desert period' in life and all is not lost if this is so because these periods always come to an 'oasis' in life that is often long lasting!    peace xox


    Knight,  Yes, I have felt lost at times. If you don't have a job or go to school, get one. Or re enroll in school.   Get to  know your neighbors. Help people that need help.

    You voted for Obama, didn't you. It is curable, come away from the dark side.



    Yes but i did not know that I,D,S, was part of the package,

    Lost in the Gardens of Love in Paradise Springs where the Heavens scent a light fresh breeze, rainbows fill the air and you are by my side waiting for forever to pass along this way again.


    Reminded me of the poem in Alice in Wonderland..."twas brillig in the slivietoves......"

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