    Hi everyone! I have been very busy I am not trying to ignore you all! My garden is demanding LOTS of attention!! Hope to spend a littlemore time here shortly! Don't think I'm being snotty!!

    +7  Views: 828 Answers: 9 Posted: 10 years ago

    9 Answers

    Always good to see familiar avatars around, if you need help with your nasal problem I've got plenty tissues.


    Very funny! Sniffle sniffle!

    I know you're not a snot Clu.  The  weather is cold here in Scotland and it rains almost everyday. I don't think we've had a summer day here with temps above 75 degrees, it's perfect weather for someone who is tired of 100 degree plus weather. The sun is welcome  here and the gardens are so pretty. You would love the rose bushes, the roses are humongous. (*~*)

     I've been taking advantage of the sunshine and warm temps this week to do some spring cleaning in July.  Take advantage of the warm weather and enjoy working in your garden.


    Thanks, CB! I will bet those roses are beautiful! Our weather has been weird and supposed to be cool tuesday about 70. However the hot stuff should gather in shortly! Had a big 4th of July party Sat. Night temps down to about 65 but we had a BLAST! I really like heat! ! See ya , sweetie!!

    Oh there you are! I see you now.


    Don't work too hard, clu.        :)


    My corn is much taller ,Ducky! Got tassels so the ears are starting!!


    is that the real Clu ?

    I don't have a clu...I mean...clue. :)

    The garden IS important Lu.Send us some pics.:)


    I wish I could send pictures! I've got green beans,wax beans, zuchinni, lettuce, pea pods and very soon brocoli! Green onions too!

    We didn't think you were ignoring us, Clu . Welcome back. Visit every now and then

    I’m jealous. My garden consist of potted plants of cacti, an orange tree, and catnip.  Oh, and some basil and jack beans, too. All in a 3x3 foot area.  Eat some tomatoes for me and fry some green ones...


    Ripe tomatoes in August! Can't wait!

    I love fresh basil.

    I bought two one gallon buckets of it for $3.99 each, at least 15 plants per container.

    Smells sooooo good!

    I've got Japanese pumpkins,passionfruit,Acidless tomatoes & a few strawberries.We should get together for a salad some day.LOL OOPS! I put this comment in the wrong place.Oh well! That's what we have mods for I guess.:)


    We bought strawberry plants this spring so by next spring we will have lots of them! If all goes well! We always do the acid low tomatoes! They are quite tasty and taste the same as others!

    Tell me about the Japanese pumpkins.
    country bumpkin

    Is there frost on the pumpkins? LOL

    This never gets old does it Tommyh?

    Clu..You probably know them as Kabocha Squash.But they are very tasty.Not like squash at all.
    CB..I love that old tear jerker.Is that what inspired your nick name?

    & CB..I have just enjoyed it again thanks for the linl.I'm all teary now.Hahaha!
    country bumpkin

    No Tommyh. I'm not sure exactly how I chose this name for aka. It seemed appropriate for several reasons. Being born in a small town, growing up listening to country music, coming from a family with boot leggers and bank robbers, my mother giving birth to me when she was only 14 etc...It just all screamed Country Bumpkin! LOL
    country bumpkin

    Tommyh don't get me started on old timey country tear jerkers because we'll be listening to them for hours. LOL

    FOURTEEN!!!! Good Lord that poor kid.
    As for being country,well that's me too,Except I come from a big country town.
    country bumpkin

    LOL... Yep my grandmother was 33 when I was born. My mother and I lived with my grandparents and everyone thought my grandmother was my mother and my mom was my sister. :))

    I minimize the work in garden to picking...  There are: 3 kinds of squash, 3 kinds of tomatoes, 3 kinds of peppers, 2 kinds of cucumbers, broccoli, basil, lettuce (yes, 3 kinds), eggplant, and string beans.  All of this in a spot smaller than a Volkswagen beetle would require!  It is trellised, caged, etc. to allow much grown vertically on the fences, wire panels, etc.  I mulch over the landscape cloth using grass clippings, there is really no weeding or cultivating!  I side dress and spray foliage to fertilize, and till in good compost in spring and fall.  The garden doubles as my "firewood yard" storing a couple cords of wood after the garden for the woodstove.  This plus an apple tree, 5 high bush blueberry bushes, make up my "farm" on my estate of a 60' x 100' city lot.  There is a large deck, house, driveway for 4 cars, tool shed, and a patio.  I also have 14 rose bushes, and plantings on top of a stone retaining wall and privacy plantings of trees and shrubs on both sides of back yard.  I maximize the space, as having a real farm wasn't in the cards, and is not smart at my age, when we want to downsize to travel (we are already there!)

    country bumpkin

    My grandfather was raised on a farm so he's planted a vegetable garden every spring as far back as I can remember. His garden was huge at one time with a variety of fruits and vegetables, but beginning about 10 years ago I noticed every spring he would plant less than the previous year . Three springs have come and gone where nothing has been planted in his garden due to his declining health. The final vegetable he chose to plant in his garden was cucumbers because he pickled them every year and gave them as gifts for Birthdays and Christmas. Everyone loved my grandfathers pickles! Pucker Up! (*~*)

    I am glad I caused this great memory for you... Were they bread and butter, or dill pickles?
    country bumpkin

    It's certainly a great memory. The last batch of pickles he made were the best.
    As far as I know he's only made dill pickles. He calls them dill pickles, but I think they taste more like sour pickles.

    Is your mouth watering while reading this because my mouth is watering while I'm writing?

    This is all so cool. Thanks busti and CB! :)

    I used to love Sour Pickles as a kid, I would buy one and eat it on the way to school... It is what gave me my sour personality. While in college, I had a p.t. job unpacking rail cars for the A&P warehouse, a few of us guys who loved pickles would open a gallon jar and sneak them during our shift! It is a wonder we didn't get sick, I would eat maybe 5 or 6...


    Wow ! You are a true gardener! It is great you can produce all these goodies in such a small place! I wish you good harvest and good eating!!

    Why thanks Clu, and the same to you. It is hard finding enough space, and I end up pulling out stuff, and seeding late things in their place. Lettuce and Spinach usually. Good Gardening!

    What could be better, than spending you time in the garden. Don't work too hard though, sit back in the shade and have a little drink now and then. Have a great day.


    Thanks, Sunny! Do you have a garden?

    Yes we have a garden, small but full of flower at the moment. My wife looks after it mainly, with a bit of help from me at weekends.

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