    My husband came up with a good one today. He said, "I read that you should only spend two hours a day in front of a screen.""Why of why," I said."Because sitting and passively watching isn't good for your body or brain,""I agree," I said. "But I'm not passive on AKAQA or other places when I meet people and find out stuff.""You're still not being good to your body and brain." he said."Yes, I guess."Do you think two hours is about the right amount? How much time do you spend?I have no idea about m

    +3  Views: 604 Answers: 6 Posted: 10 years ago

    6 Answers


    Never affects me itsmee, I limit myself to unlimited, if I'm paying for it I'm using it!

    It depends on the day and what other things I have to do. It could be 15 minutes one day and 4 hours the next. Pretty much, whenever I feel like it and/or have the time to be here.

    I wish I had 2 hours to spend at the computer every day,but I don't.I am usually here for 10 minutes at a time while I'm having coffee.:)


    back to work? I thought you had retired except for building something ...

    I am retired Susan but we have a very busy lifestyle.You know....Grandkids to run around with...Our girl Susan is a full time job for Maggie..Etc..Etc...

    1-2 hours a day mostly, resting after work or getting ready to go somewhere. 10 - 20 minuets  somedays. I leave my system on sleep mode after breakfast. I work in my yard every day I can. really busy most days.

    I spend a lot of time on akaqa or none at all. I check my emails and return answers or get nothing at all. I look stuff up for me or lack any curiosity. I do walk the mile to the grocery store each day so, I do get out….


    He has a little point there you should at least give a rest although you are not passive on akaqa. Relax, take a walk outside and come back. If it is a cathode ray you are using then you should be careful


    Cathode ray tube?
    No plasma or LCD or LED TVs where you are?

    there are but old habits are hard to quit I dont still use the CRT we have two of them here i would surely sell them in 2035 for 11000dollars

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