    What culture do you really admire, besides your own?

    +7  Views: 1309 Answers: 9 Posted: 10 years ago

    9 Answers

    Tibetan culture has always influenced the way I think and do about life.


    Maybe that's why I have one! LOL.
    It's more about the way they treat life that interests me, more people should think the way they do.

    If only a few akaQA Members could have a two weeks course of it Ted,including me of course,

    You're fine with me Dougal, chill ma man!

    Yes.& you could be the founding member of The Royal Tibetan Navy.

    Mongolia has always intrigued me....



    I’d have to choose Mexico because (a) it’s just next door (b) the American dollar goes much farther there (c) the language isn’t all that hard and (d) you can live like a king with cheap help……...


    I like the way the Austrians live and treat each other,,

    Chinese culture: Emphasis on education, respect for elders (for examples,some residences have 4 generations of family members), smart people and great food. Centipede, anyone?

    I have enjoyed every culture that I have been in for any length of time. When you choose to delve into your own mind, you find a chronology of events that spans all of the lifetimes of your own existence that extends further back though time further than you have ever dared to suppose to be there.     


    You are the grooviest dude I know of rg! xox

    Italian..  family, romance, wine, food, beautiful country, rich history

    They used to close shops for a couple of hours every afternoon. 


    What on earth did they do while all the shops were shut,in the afternoon??

    If they weren't napping, making baaaaaabeeeees?

    Bob I agree. The Italians are fabulous people. When I was 23 I worked for a company called Pisani Printers. They printed the brochures for the San Francisco Opera. Every body there was Italian except for a few. Passionate & beautiful people who appreciates the luxuries of life. But don't cross em.

    I think you will find that same passion for food, family, and business know-how in some other ethnicities. Remarkable people, many of whom are belittled due to discrimination and stereotyping.

    Bob I agree. We have so many beautiful cultures. In this country I love the Mexican culture, food, language and people. However, they have been belittled as far back ask can remember.

    The problem with the Mexican people who are disgruntled is they think the "white" man has taken their land from them, forgetting their ancestors took it from Spain. People of most ethnic groups who whine have no basis for it in the present day; it's all in the past for most of them. An exception might be the Armenians who were betrayed by the French in 1915+/- and the Jews, persecuted by the Germans, 1939-45. The Armenian genocide has never been recognized by the US, which is a source of dismay for the Armenians, who will remember the 100th anniversary of the massacre next April.

    I would like to live in a culture where they don't kill animals, and they think it's wrong !!   India, here I come ! 

    terryfossil 1

    Is it not just cows they do not kill,,just asking???????????????????????

    Terry, they don't kill monkeys or any living animal. And the monkeys are all over the cites......getting into windows, etc.
    I would like to live in Australia too. A woman who's son moved there told me that he said it's like the U.S. was 75 years ago.And I would like to live in Sweden or Iceland, or Greenland, b/c they are hetero -genius, and don't have many murders or other crime.

    Budism is the closest thing to religion that I could embrace.I think it's a very thoughtful philosophy.

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