Your little star has dealt with far more than this
My life was saved way back when and now, I am paying for it. ... This too will pass. :)
7 Answers
1) Being given an assignment and then being trusted to do it.
2) Being asked for my input as a frontline worker.
3) Having the boss/manager express appreciation for my work.
4) Being given surprise recognition in front of co-workers.
5) Having a boss who gets rid of lazy co-workers.
10 years ago. Rating: 10 | |

Personally, I'd just say "You're fired"! lol

There was an instance when someone was "Not a fit" ... I hired the woman to give her a chance at a better life. It was unfortunate. I truly wanted it to work. In my heart, I knew it wouldn't.
When people didn't fit I always found them another job to go to that fit their personalities so much better. My first fire was the only person I could not place in another job. I still regret that day.
The second fire was only because no one else could do it, however, he didn't deserve it at all. He was ganged up on.
The man was fired before he walked into my office for his schedule. I was shocked as I didn't have one for him... I was told that he had been fired. This man did not know. I was placed in a position of explaining to a very nice and hard working man that he had been fired and I didn't actually know why.
His immediate boss was a Coke Head who had wrapped the owners of the company around his pinky finger. Because the owners of the company really liked this Coke Head, I was forced into a position that I did not agree with or felt comfortable with. ... In the end, I was the bad guy. I quit three weeks later right before "Bonus Time". I didn't care about the money. A person can only take so much.
I don't know what happened to Mr. Coke Head. He was the son of a person who at one time was, a very close friend of mine. Mr. Coke Head was also one of my ex-husband's very best friends.
This is the first time I have actually articulated this story. :)
It gets better. The Crowned Prince, son of the owners of the company I worked for, was also a very close friend of the Coke Head as were other managers in the establishment. Drug addicts don't like to party alone.
Nothing, and I mean nothing, that any of those people I was dealing with made one spit of sense..... "Oh, I am going out for lunch. Would you like anything?". (As if lunch would ever show up.) People including, the son of the owners, would actually leave me standing in a busy store alone until the end of the day, showing up at the very end when the owners would pop their heads inside the doors. The very best part is... they would take credit for the work that I did right in front of me. (Dumbfounded has a new meaning)
Then the 'owner wife person' hired someone extremely bad. I actually had my 30 year career decimated by a woman that did not know the industry in which we were working on the heals of Coke Heads. The woman's subject of the day was who she had had relations with inside her mini van. (I actually had the audacity to request that she did not convey these stories any longer... stupid me.)
Fortunately for me, I was smart enough to choose health over money.
That hideous situation is why I am working on a positive project at the moment.
I lost every single friend and my first husband... plus a couple of beautiful children because of that job. I looked evil right in the face.
Now that I am finally writing it down, I feel better.
If I happened to mention one single little thing, The Crowned Prince would cry to his mother and I was always the bad guy if I happened to "notice" anything, or if I happened to be hurt by the words he said.
... I can't even begin to tell you how much that horrendous child stole from his parents.
"Keep your mouth shut. There is nothing wrong with our Big Round Head Child." (I am not kidding, they call him that.). > The poor boy actually thinks he is good looking.

(Water with feet under the surface.)

1. Getting the money
2. Negotiating higher paying contracts.
3.Getting the money
4.Suing the employer for breach of contract... this happened twice in 20 years and it was a pleasure to go to court and win my case and get my money both times because my lawyer was a kick butt musician's union lawyer! YAY!
5. Getting paid in cash
I was a pro musician 20 years.... travelled all over.... played and then got paid...end of story.
10 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
Looking from the outside in here! ... You know, that trying to do one 'normal person thing'.
Grow, learn, love what you do. What is a safe working environment to you?
"Safe" may be the wrong word ... "Healthy" is better.
Fishes... I have been hiring out my gardening skills and must admit ... I feel safest in the garden with no interference although I am certain that one of my main challenges in life is tolerating[?] others in 'my' space.... I possess the 'loner' gene, I've been called an extroverted introvert... among other things! LOL
However, I am very sick at the moment. Can't really leave the house unless it is to the Doctor's office or hospital and so, I have taken on a gigantic project of the 'thinking kind'.
What would the perfect environment be if you, Lindi if actually had to be out there in that working world? What would you really want? Pretend you are wearing polyester and not so cool shoes.... your hair is, you know... doing unnatural things and has unnatural dyes in it. ... Out on a limb. ... Go for it... also add fake nails just for flair.
Great work Lindi. This is what I need. (Dang this time on my hands thing.).
Hopefully, it turns out to do a lot of good. :)
... so does Eddie > listen while I listen and we shall hear this together...
I’m retired. What I find satisfactory about it is (A) I don’t have to get up anymore (B) I can watch all the trash TV I care to (C) I can read non-stop (D) I can shop at my leisure (E) I can spend time on AKAQA when I want………
10 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Have a wonderful day. You both realise that you don't even have to get out of pajamas if you don't feel like it. Woot!
Fair call.
Nice answer.
FISH-O - (1) A huge amount of satisfaction (rather goes with the caring profession).
(2) Continuous motivation, inspiration, insight and at times frustration.
(3) Teamwork - a must.
(4) Interpersonal relationships with mutual respect.
(5) Amazing amount of happiness.
10 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Hey did I mention - appreciation - Such good feeling to give and receive - good for moral.
My cousin still works however, my Gran and my Aunt are no longer here.
All three are, were in management.
I am focusing on appreciation within my 'five' list. The project is focused upon simplifying a complex management package bridging the gap between all the employees of a middle sized corporation.
Being self-employed for about 45 years
1, The satisfaction of being your own boss.
2, Employing 5 or 6 other people most of that time, and treating them fairly, probably too fairly,as they made more money than I did.
3, Learning to deal with people running larger businesses, all good experience.
4, Making decisions, about how certain things should be carried out.
5, Being able to have some free time, without having to ask anyone else. Now that I have a part time job in retirement, I don't have that freedom anymore.
10 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
Hey Fish,having spent 17 years working for an Aussie supermarket giant,and then being unfairly sacked,i will try to keep my anger out of my answer' in any work force is money,if a company pay's a fair wage, a worker should supply fair work,, NO.2 management should attempt to hire people who are going to fit in with the people who are already working there..Sorry Fish,i probably should not have attempted to answered your question,,still way too much anger there...............................................
10 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
Valuable information.
Thanks Terry. I really mean that.
At the moment it is a three inch thick binder filled with information.
This is great. Thanks again.
Love: Grasshopper xoxox