    Does McDonald's really have the worst burgers in America? 

    +6  Views: 2349 Answers: 19 Posted: 10 years ago

    19 Answers

    My hamburgers at home are better than any fast food joint. Besides meat that is half filler, why do they all use those "plastic" hamburger buns? There are dozens of better ones in grocery stores everywhere.


    Still waiting on my bbq invite, I think your burgers will be good.

    I've invited you before but oh, no, there you sit waiting for some important event in August. :)

    Will the weather still be ok after Aug 22?

    Yep, although sometimes August can be a bit rainy and windy. September is lovely.

    September BBQ it is then!

    mmmmm... I can almost smell the grill from here Duckiness.... hail to the chef! ;)

    Ok then. As the song goes...See you, (all of you) in la la

    Do you add any duck fat?

    NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkk.....

    LOL ... Hello Clonge!

    Greetings Clonge;

    According to the article ... Yes!

    I couldn't offer my opinion as I am allergic to MSG, I don't eat American beef or any American raised animal specifically, and the bun is not Gluten Free. 

    When I was a child I was pretty crazy about those Apple Pie things in the Flippy-Flappy boxes though.

    Fish of the day...


    Have a glorious one!



    I remember them from my "old life" before the GF/DF days. I can't even believe that I EVER ate that stuff. ugh

    I burned my mouth on a hot apple pie once.... so badly I was crying! I never cry [due in part to a head injury that stunned my 'emotion sensors'] however I really got scorched and tears destroyed my enjoyment of that liddle pie.... somebody hit me! [no...don't...okay, I'm done]

    Oh the pain Lindy!! I have also scorched the roof of my mouth ... testing a cheese dish for my son... way too hot. The roof of my mouth has never been the same. :(

    I know right! Ducky. Sooooo unhealthy.

    lindi and fish...that "roof burning thing" makes me cringe. Isn't that just so painful? It's really a dumb thing to do, but I've done it several times myself. :)

    I have a permanent scar.... :) :(


    It's all good. I have undergone hours of therapy. I will be fine. Le' sob.

    I blub blubba bubba by boof of by bouth! oooooch!
    country bumpkin

    My aunt stuck a piece of meat onto a fork and placed it over the open flame on a Poo Poo platter at the Chinese restaurant to cook instead of using the wooden skewers. She took the meat off the Hibachi, forgot the fork was sizzling hot and placed it in her mouth. She not only burned the roof of her mouth, but she burned her lips too. LOL it was a 5 star restaurant at the time and she yelled out the "F" word for all ears to hear.

    In retrospect I imagine this is story far more hilarious than the actual incident. "Poo Poo Platter"? ... I'm hysterical.
    country bumpkin

    Poo Poo! Poo Poo! Poo Poo Platter! LOL

    POO POO PLATTER?!! No way ... It's a joke the poo poo platter. That would make a scene in a movie.
    country bumpkin

    I think it's actually called a Pu Pu Platter Susan, but it's not a joke they really do exist.
    Here is a picture similar to the one my aunt had ordered. See the flame in the middle? This is what she had her fork resting upon heating up a piece of meat before she stuck the fork in her mouth. OUCH!

    Never tried an American McD, but I sure hate the British ones, never been a fan.

    According to this report, in Canada the burgers at Rotten Ronnie's are 100 % beef.... but lemme just say that it is really lousy beef, tasteless, rubbery, and all around disgusting......

    “I think using animals for food is an ethical thing to do, but we’ve got to do it right. We’ve got to give those animals a decent life and we’ve got to give them a painless death. We owe the animal respect.” —Temple Grandin

    from >>>>>

    So if you want an amazing burger experience... don't go to Rotten Ronnie's please!

    Years ago, the Wakefield Inn, a pub on BC’s Sunshine Coast, invented the ultimate burger – and it’s not grilled. To get the right texture, you need to pan-fry the oysters. The Wakefield Inn used seasoned flour to coat the oysters, but I prefer the extra crunch of cornmeal. Serve the burger with a dill pickle, a dollop of potato salad and a big mug of cold beer. Sadly, the Wakefield Inn has fallen to a condo developer’s wrecking ball, and all that’s left is the great view and this recipe. 

    1 t. each ground cumin, ground ancho chile powder, freshly ground black pepper

    1/2 c. cornmeal

    1 T. butter

    1 T. olive oil

    12 medium-sized fresh West Coast oysters, pre-shucked (you can buy them in tubs) 

    4 burger buns, toasted and buttered 

    4 T. commercial or home-made tartar sauce 

    1 bunch green leaf lettuce

    4 slices crisply cooked bacon

    1 thinly sliced ripe tomato

    pickle slices and parsley sprigs, for garnish

    Combine the cumin, ground ancho, pepper, and cornmeal in a small bowl and pour the mixture onto a dinner plate. Heat the butter and oil in a heavy skillet over medium-high heat until the butter is sizzling. Lightly coat the oysters in the cornmeal mixture and fry them in the oil and butter until they’re crisp on the outside and done inside, 2 to 3 minutes per side. 

    Spread 1 T. of tartar sauce on each toasted and buttered bun. Add a leaf or two of lettuce, 3 of the fried oysters, one crispy slice of bacon (ripped in half), and 1 or 2 slices of tomato. Sprinkle the works with salt and pepper. Top with the other half of the bun, and garnish with a pickle and a parsley sprig. Makes 4 burgers.
    - See more at:



    Fanny Bay Oysters. I have never eaten them but, I have seen people eating them. Deee-lish apparently.

    They really are an aquired taste and personally I think 2 oysters in a 'gutbomb' is enough,,,, meanwhile there's a family of Crows visiting me here and stuffing food down the babies throats... sounds like they're being murdered!

    I am watching Claude the Crow on my deck at the moment. He shares dog kibble with my Doogles. It is a pretty hilarious trio. Yesterday Claude brought his girlfriend. A crow date.

    Crows rule the roost... they recognize our faces even years later! They are so cool... had a one-legged Crow that I rehabbed and set loose at my Aunt's farm in the Rockies.... he stayed with them for years and constantly harranged my drunkard Uncle... everytime the old boy passed out in a sundeck chair Mr. Crow Crow [he had two names] would pry his keys from his jacket pocket and stuff [and I mean STUFF] them in my Uncle's gaping, snoring mouth!!! What a royal riot!

    That is hilarious.

    I knew of a woman who was so fed up with crows that she actually killed one of them ... (Ridiculously violent in my opinion.). ... The result, you ask? The surviving murder of crows dived bombed her every single day as she left for work, came home from work and everything else in between.

    Crows take the law into their own beaks.

    Craw caw caw caw caw! [my Crow laugh}

    :D Too funny!

    And Professional Animal Agriculturalist know that those animals that are raised properly and killed humanely cost them less, and yield the best quality possible.

    Fanny Bay Oysters are raised as humanely as possible... then they rip they little shells off'n they backs and....sorry Fish..can't continue...weep!

    Crows are very intelligent indeed. I was haying one day, saw a rabbit in the fresh mowed field, crows arrived, surrounded her, and kept her corralled by jockeying around her to prevent her from getting into the brush. I kept busy, and did not see them actually kill her, but they stalked her. Eventually, I made a round down that end of field, and saw them feeding off of her. I did not know that they hunted, just thought of them as scavengers.

    That's why they're called a 'murder' of Crows.... I talked them out of killing a beautiful Hawk one day....

    This is why I feed the crows. They could very easily murder my little Pico De Gallo. She is small, not overly intelligent and actually looks like a stuffed animal instead of a dog. ... even though she is a dog.

    I have been out in my yard on several occasions saving her life from Eagles. Pico is oblivious however, I appear to be a raving lunatic as far as my neighbours are concerned. (..."What? She is out there in her pajamas again Ed. There is a bird and that weird yappy little dog. I think it's a dog, but it could be a cat or a rat, or maybe even a hamster with fluffy ears.")

    What about their "Filet-O-Fish-O"?

    Clonge; poor dead fish whipped into a pastey pink paste on a squishy white bun with signature sauce.... Oh yum!

    That is not food. That is epicurial torture. With a weird clown attached.

    One thing you should know, hamburger is the crap of the industry. Go from there.


    Unfortunately, I agree with you.

    If I remember right, MCD gets most of their beef from brazil. Where there is no control over hormones and other stuff. I wonder what food additives are added to their beef ? There has to be something added.


    I highly doubt MSG.

    OMG ... Never again will I order one. No control over hormones and other stuff.

    You asked about food additives. McDonald's uses MSG and sugar in their products. It keeps customers coming back for more.

    Many over the counter pet products were originally invented for the cattle industry, including molecular creeping products, now commonly used for dogs and cats to kill fleas. ... If it is on the animal, it is in the animal.

    Thank FISH-0, I don't go to McDonalds ... except for the iced coffee. There's too much sugar.
    by the way (((FISH-O)))

    Hugs back itsmee :)

    Don't get the filet-o-FISH

    Please no.

    OMG FISH-O Fillet ... Did you think of that when you picked your name?

    I've yet to eat a burger that I like less than McDonald's.


    Huh? It's late. I'm dumbed down.
    country bumpkin

    I said I've never eaten a burger that I like less than McDonald's meaning that McDonald's burgers are the worst burgers I've ever eaten. 100% nasty!

    I didn't get that at first either, b/c it's late here too. Glad you clarified it.
    country bumpkin

    I wrote it this way on purpose.


    Oops!  I like Mickey D’s. I enjoy their cheese burgers and love the Big Mac.  I eat there about twice every two years. I figure I can either have a hamburger or I can have a McDonald’s.  There is a big difference between the two……..


    Good to learn this. I like McD, too. We'll hit a few on the way north...I like the frappes

    Simple iced coffee for me and a cheese burger with Big Mac sauce….

    Love the BM sauce! Sent you an email.

    Uh, Bob/PKB, what kind of sauce. It has unfortunate name for sure.

    They need to look like the picture:



    Now THAT'S a burger! yummmmmmelicious!

    Now THAT'S a burger! yummmmmmelicious!

    Now THAT'S a burger! yummmmmmilicious!

    ...well....there are two of them...lmao!

    Are you a sharer?

    ..Just noticed the mushroom mozza in the background... it's yours bro! lol

    McDonald's burgers are delicious. Why do you think they sell so many of them ?


    Yep ... I agree with that. They taste good.

    We go to Wendy's but seldom order burgers, salads are great, and their chilli is good!  5 Guy Burgers are tops! 


    Just had one of those the other day. A bit pricy, but good.

    I walk the mile to our Wendy’s just for their salads. I bring them home, refrigerate them until supper time and enjoy being good to myself…..

    i have eaten hamburgers in all sorts of restaurants. i still love mc donalds.



    Exactly, their hamburger is designed for its taste. They have to put something in it to make it taste the same everywhere you go. Remember , hamburger is the crap of the beef industry.

    White Castle's are worse. Had them once on a bus trip through Indiana and couldn't wait to get to my room in Cincinnati.



    The "wee room" as we say in Escotia?

    Brazil 0-Germany 4 after 25mins, whould've thunk?

    Oops, sorry, it's 5 - 0 now!

    6 now.
    country bumpkin

    He's ignoring you ROMOS, he must be in the "wee room".

    7 now!

    They made you tired?


    Why else would he be so anxious to get back to his room?

    Failure to communicate here.

    Good night R. Sleep well.

    It's 8pm and I have just witnessed the biggest debacle in this year's World Cup via my PVR.
    OUCH !

    Are you crying too digger? :(

    My Italians are out and the crying has ceased. I couldn't care less who wins it long as it isn't the Germans.

    The Germans seem to be peaking, saying that, the Brazilians were effing AWFUL!

    I still sticking with the Dutch to win.


    I go to McDonald's in the UK now and again, usually when we are out with family and the younger nephews want to go there. Sometimes the burgers are ok, but I prefer the fish Mcmuffin.I think that's what it's called, a piece of fish in a burger roll.


    I like the fish sandwich, too, but I ask them to slop some lettuce, tomato, and onion on it. It's too much tartar sauce and bread otherwise.

    I believe I would still like MacDonald burgers but I'm burned. I've read too much about the condition our animals live in and how they are killed.

    I can't eat chicken either ... same reason. 

    Usually, when I have a problem like this with a food I get over it but I have not recovered from chicken, beef, alfalfa sprouts ... some others.


    And Ox tongue too of course?

    ... and bunnies, don't feeget the bunnies! ;O

    Nope no bunnies, lindilou. No cats. No dogs. I'm a picky person.
    By the way, we had chicken tonight. I LOVED it. I will pass on the recipe a little later. (I suppose EVERYBODY knows it already.

    I don't go to McD often, maybe once every few months but I have no complaint, they are disgustingly tasty and regardless of where you go, they are always the same.  When on a long haul, I will usually stop at fast food like mcD because I know the menu and I know they are consistent.  Taste is tolerable, not on par with gourmet  burger places that charge double what McD charges. Nobody considers this they only talk about who has best burger. And of course ~we~ all make better burgers at home, we are not making them for profit!  We don't put soybean in the burger.  and when they say 100% beef, of course the beef they use is 100% but they put 25% soybean with it.

    I don't think any  processed foods in America has MSD in it, any chemical ingredient must be labeled so, and with the years of negative about MSD I would hardly think they continue using it.

    But listen to the liberal minds and they will have us all on fluffy veggies and drinking bottled water. :)





    <-- veggies for sure also bottled water. My politics really don't have anything to do with it. I haven't had a taste of tap for ... 100 years,

    I did't realize they bottled water for human consumption 100 years ago. Most 'down home' peeps caught it in the rain barrel or down at the creek. S'ok, bottled water will be going up in price here is CA because we have no water. Not much common sense either.

    I don't know yet what we'll be drinking but it sure won't be bottled water.
    There are houses on the outskirts of Fresno and the people there have been using well water. Now they have no water, One elderly woman built two nice homes and she has never lived in them or rented one out.
    "It's the end of the world as we know it ..." rem


    EOW?? Maybe, but for sure, and in the meantime the CA politicians will make their last ditch effort to fine us upto $500.00 on the way out.

    What's EOW mean?
    They are going to fine us? Is that for sure? Or maybe?

    EOW= END OF WORLD. The passed it up in my sector, you down in the central valley, probably less likely to pass there. My people here have their head in the sand. Have no idea what is going on in the world but have IQ's 160 and up, all working hi-tech and research. But unfortunately, so smart they are borderline insane. Incredibly inept at common sense. Sadly they too vote.

    Interesting. I think I'd be nervous if I lived there. However, I think it is soooo lovely. Not hot. Beautiful. Classy. Rich.
    Oh blast this life of mine in the Broiling, Dry Central Valley where all the women have big cabooses. (Hmmm? Can I say "cabooses")

    You in Fresno?? You have westwood BBQ and Spice restaurant, we love that place! If you haven't been there please go! Yummy, we don't have anything like that up here, mostly Chinese and Indian. On Blackstone Ave. Big shopping area. And traffic jams galore! But its worth it.

    Yes. I'd rather eat my shoe.

    maybe around the world


    "Subway's" looks pretty good.  Dreaming-of-eating-a-burger-resizecrop--

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