
    talk to me about cataracts,i have not seen a doctor yet, but i cannot read a street sign out of my right eye,and sadly i cannot find my wife in a supermarket..does anybody know what is involved to fix the's sorta like looking through frosted glass..>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<

    +4  Views: 1341 Answers: 5 Posted: 10 years ago

    5 Answers

    Yep I've got bad ones Terry, virtually blind in my left eye (can't see a thing) I have my firsr surgery scheduled for August 22nd, the surgeon told me 98% of patients end up with 20/20 vision because they insert a small lens into the eye, and the op only takes approx 10 minutes, it can't come quick enough for me, I'm getting wary just walking around these days, scary !


    terryfossil 1

    I know what you mean mate,I am still driving a 4x4,but i can only see out of one eye,they actually put something in your eye???i thought they peeled the outer layer of the eyeball away,,it's a bummer getting older mate,,first i went to glasses,now their no bl**dy good to me,,,oh well,life goes on hey Romos..>>>>><<<<<<

    I have my dead-eye done on the 21st. And then the other a week later. My surgeon has opted for the standard operation, I will still need glasses for reading, and he recommends progressives with almost no magnification on top, just to wear all the time, as the good eye carries me, and he wants to protect it with glasses from any danger. I was hoping to throw them away, or at least only readers, but he is the Dr. Good luck... And do not go into water this summer, great risk of infection, he said.

    Getting older is a bummer Terry, but I hope the ops a complete success,fingers crossed, my surgeon reckons I won't need glasses once both eyes are done, I should be able to see my Christmas dinner this year mate.
    Oh ye, you really shouldn't be driving, I've been told not to, I understand that because I have trouble even crossing the bloody road.

    Mine are not that bad yet, however when I drive at night, I put high beams on at everyone, seems they have theirs on in my eyes! My wife reminds me that it is not them, but me... Also, sometimes, I see a blur, like a mouse running across the room, even there are none!
    terryfossil 1

    Sorry about the driving Romos,.But in Aussie you need a car,best of luck with your christmas dinner,turkey or chook?? All the best with your op mate..>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    terryfossil 1

    Hey Bustie,i know what you mean about the high beam,,i am always bitchen about that.>>>>>>>>>

    getting old beats the alternative.
    terryfossil 1

    Both eyes are now done,do not need glasses for distance vision,but sadly i still need reading glasses,but i can get rid of the bi-focals..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Nothing frightens me more than the idea of eye surgery BUT all of my friends who've had it done says ut like cleaning a very dirty window. Remarkable. I'll have the surgery if I just but I'm fine right now. Wipe your sight clean, it is worth it.....

    Glad to hear that your sight is ok now Terry, the reading glasses you can manage. I wear glasses all the time now, and was told last year I had the start of cataracts, so have just received a letter reminding me to go for yearly site checks. I have just made an appointment for three weeks time, I can see ok with my glasses at the moment, so I suppose it's the beginning of problems to come.

    terryfossil 1

    Science is a wonderful thing Sunny..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    They told my mom they wouldn't do the surgery until she was ready. They left it up to her. 

     My friend, Norm, had both eyes done, and he  said he was very pleased with the results.

    terryfossil 1

    I am very happy with mine also MCM..still need reading glasses though..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Here's one of many cruising the streets of Havana:<!--StartFragment-->Image result for cadillacs cuba<!--EndFragment-->

    terryfossil 1


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