    EVERYONE...PLEASE answer this to help keep updated and stay in touch...a simple question..........

    Where are you all and whats new with you all?...Anything at all...BIG or small...just WONDERERING...Lets go people...could be interesting...

    +12  Views: 1289 Answers: 12 Posted: 10 years ago

    What about YOU!!! Your photo looks like you are doing well, but last night I saw your question where you told us about the many health issues you faced. How are YOU??

    SSsshhhh.....It's a secret!!! :)

    12 Answers

    G'day mate.I'm still here.

    terryfossil 1

    Prove it Tom

    haha! I don't get a lot of time these days.Building at the daughter's house.I check in when I can.

    Hi Tommy ... Of all the people here, I missed you the most. Your humor and all that. There were some good days,

    There sure were some good days Susan.How are you my dear.I miss you too.

    I'm ok. The doctor gave me some news that didn't please me so I worry more. That's all.
    I wish I could be 21 again.

    Haha! Don't we all!!

    Hey dude ... you asked ...

    I'm sittin' out back with my little queenie Storm and we are enjoying a most beautiful west coast evening [almost 7;30pmPST] and I am chillin while m'lady sketches off some flash which are amazing.... mermaids and seashells and anchors and 1930s pin-up gals, eyes and hummingbirds and tribal west coast stuff... she wants to attend Emily Carr Institute of art eventually. She's been doing wonderfully since surgeries last autumn with a typical teenage attitude that too often resembles her nickname....eeee! Thank heavens I didn't name her Hurricane or Monsoon! LOL

    Here, pictured in this lovely photograph taken by a peer, she is musing by the river tho' at this moment she is having a spat with her cell phone as it refuses to comply with her commands.... ;)


    My eldest gal is attending tomorrow's Canada Day parade in beauty Victoria so she's there now with some of her university pals having a blast!

    So there's a Kingfisher giving everyone hell on the creek now for well over an hour...what a great racket he's making at it.... and my garden is beginning to grow something fierce.... just lookit!


    I hope you are well and happy wonderer and here's a cool thing for you here ....



    Beautiful Lindy.

    Is this where the Cabbage Kids are born. :)

    They are lovely pictures lindilou.

    Thanks lads!

    bulletman! Cabbage patch kids are cute but they make lousy cabbage rolls...however, Salmon are born in the creek just beyond! ;)

    Good post, Lindilou. Great photograph.

    Well, I’m going out of town on the 3-6 and on the 25th. I’m flying to CA to stay and explore with Bob/PKB!!!!!!!


    So cool. :)

    YAY YOU!!! Sounds like a blast baby!

    Enjoy yourself Julie, I bet you two will have a great time.

    That's great, hope you have a blast, sure you will.. Have you ever met before, or just friends through aKa?

    Just friends from akaqa. Email, IM, and phone is our limit……..

    I met some people in my writing group. We had a bonfire at Carmel Beach. It was fun and they came all the way from Florida. My group went to Florida for a bon fire at the Keys. I missed it.

    Still around annoying some folk mate.



    Yes. :)

    I try my best ;)

    Scotchland is cool! Got fire breathing flying dragons and and there's a patch o' grass right in the middle too! :) I watch all the medieval wars on TV coming from Scotland. I know a few guys named Scot too! :)


    I'm here and celebrating the 147th Birthday of our country today!!     :)

     (Our entire country celebrates Country Bumpkin's birthday....LOL)


    G'day Duck, when is the beat time of year to see Canada, the wife and i would love to go on Alaskan, Canada cruise?

    I would say in general, May, June, July or if you love colorful autumn leaves, then September, October. Depending on which area of Canada people live, they may have a different idea. I am central. I'm sure you'll love Canada. Welcome!

    Happy Canada day to you,happy Canada day to you, happy Canada day dear Ducky, happy Canada day to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Have a great quaking day ducky.

    Thanks sunnyB....thanks ROMOS.

    Don't like my singing huh?

    Missed it but added your name. <sigh> You're so sensitive.

    It's a sensitive day, CBs & Canada day!

    I thought I heard something coming down the east coast, I thought it was another gale blowing down from Scotland.And no, it was Roy giving us a song.

    :) He's quite good, isn't he sunnyB? (Psssst..humor him.)

    I hear you DUCK!

    Yes he's voice is very good ducky, oooh cough splutter giggle.

    Happy Birthday dear Canada, Happy Birthday dear Canada......

    147, you are just a babe, and may I say, you do not look 147?

    Yes busti...Thanks from "baby" Canada. :)
    country bumpkin

    I had no idea today was Canada Day shame on me.
    Happy Happy Happy Canada Day!

    Went to college spring semester "for fun". Looking forward to fall semester; I'm taking classes for personal enrichment.

    Thinking about getting a license to sell real estate. Took the courses in the winter.

    Became a mother-in-law and inherited a granddaughter in the process.  My middle son had a son in January; his mother was using drugs and David had a rough start. He is an absolute joy at this point (5 months) and I pray any residual issues will be minor. 

    ANOTHER grandchild is due in February, 2015, and there is talk of twins.  My oldest son already has 3 and his step-daughter.  This should be a hoot. 

    My mom died in late October and we are having problems interpreting the estate. We have mediation coming mid-July. 

    Still bowling, finished 2013-14 with a 186 average. Bowling two summer leagues and keeping it around 180-183.  Have had some big games (256, 264) and finally shot a 600 (626) last week, so feeling good about that.  Tournaments in San Diego and Stockton recently.  

    Have a short trip planned for San Diego (accompanying a friend), then looking forward to Julie's visit.  Route-planning and straightening up the house and yard, taking care of David when asked, and aka-ing, enjoying some family and friends, going to the local casinos a couple times a month recently.  




    Well, he asked. LBOL

    Just doing my little part time job, I really quite enjoy it, and I think my wife's pleased that I'm not under her feet every day. And it's not hard work, just keeps me occupied, and the brain working.

    G'Day Wonder, good to hear from ya mate,  like many others i'm still 'Wondering' around. :)


    Not so many these days Kent.

    Yeah Roy , maybe because the site is dying a slow death.


    Wedding, babysitting (as the parents stay over night at wedding), get ready for Family Vacation in Maine, then ready for cataract surgery later in month, followed by building a play house and a shed in daughter's yard.  Throwing ourselves a 40th Anniversary Cookout!  Installing a Stair Lift in our Grange Hall, doing other projects at Grange (100 yr old building).  In fall, begin remodel of Bath in my house, in spring, new kitchen in my home.  Other than that, we are just hanging around enjoying retirement! 


    Would you PLEASE find something to do! lol

    Cataract surgery? Mine is scheduled for Aug 22, let me know what goes!
    country bumpkin

    Please let us know the results Ray. Roy ran smack into a light pole a couple of weeks ago and he twisted his ankle last week stepping off a curb because he can't see. We're keeping our fingers crossed that his eyesight will be close to (if not) 20/20 after his surgery.

    Oh I need that surgery too! It must be contagious.

    Nothing is new ... just a few arguments about the overhead fans.

    That's a good pose wonderer. I guess it's good for anyone who is going to be photographed.

    seriously trying to figure out how to get a clone, and/or cut down on some of my activities, so i can do some other activities.

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