    why do you live

    +4  Views: 1272 Answers: 14 Posted: 10 years ago

    14 Answers


    country bumpkin - Yes - it is not the way we die that counts - it's the way we live.


    I, and my team here, live for akaQA of course!



    Please stop buying my shirts for me, you know I hate yellow clothes.
    I don't mind yellow ducks however.

    Well, you SAID you liked that shirt when I gave it to you! I think you look nice.

    Poor old soul, she's heard you can do online shopping, and she can't find the trolley.

    And where is the slot in this machine to put the money?

    Ducky - you are just hilarious!! sunnyB you too - hey looks like me - sounds like me - I would be looking for the shopping trolley.

    How are you doing Poppy3?

    Ducky thank you for asking - still a lot of stuff going on which is stressful but hopefully getting there. You sound great with that sense of humour going on as usual - love the picture of the old lady. "What's it all about Alfie?"

    It's all about the audience darling!

    ROMOS - darling I'm done with the audience - love the expression though. How are you doing? Hope you and CB are well and happy xoxo

    We are indeed pops, hope things are getting better for you.

    ROMOS - I am coming around to the conclusion that I should perhaps stop moaning about my situation/condition - too many comments about it. It must be the old age - not easy dealing with all the rhubarb. Good to hear you are both OK - makes a difference when you have each other huh!

    I/we have the same problems that most people have pops, this is always a good place to vent, still mostly good peeps around this site.

    ROMOS - Yeah you are right about this site - it is just being upset with me - I should just get on with it. People are great here!

    I guess we all need to moan and groan once in a while. If not here, where????? lol

    Ducky - too right lol.

    Performing, it's all about my audience darlin!!!!



    ROMOS - this is not like you at all.

    That's show biz. The roar of the crowd, the smell of the grease paint!!

    I always thought it was the roar of the Grease paint,and the smell of the crowd??

    @hector...That stinky crowd? :)

    I know Jenn, I know!

    There has to be a profound answer to this. I'm searching for it.

    Now a days, it's to laugh and enjoy life as much as I can, before it's too late.

    Why do I live?....For the ride. 

    I sometimes ask myself the same question.On reflection of my youth by all rights I should be dead.

    But now I have this magnificent family & I live for them.

    country bumpkin

    How are you these days Tommyh? I hope you're feeling okay.

    Pretty good thanks CB.Busy tho.Hope you & Roy are well too.
    country bumpkin

    That's good to hear Tommyh. Roy and I are fantastic! we celebrated our 1 year Anniversary of being together yesterday.

    Yes I noticed but didn,t have time to reply at that moment.Congratulations to you & Roy.Happiness can be elusive for so many people.Something that's very evident here on this forum.I'm glad you both found it.Keep on keepin' on Kiddo.:)
    country bumpkin

    Yes Tommyh, we're very fortunate to have found each other.
    Ha! You called me kiddo! My mother called me kiddo all the time--I like that. (*~*)

    Keep on keepin' on Tommyh! XX

    I live because for the moment all my parts are performing flawlessly. At one point I may need replacement parts and a general 'overhaul' but for the moment I am a fine oiled machine capable of climbing to the highest star---with a little help from my friends of course. :) 


    Well I did say 'with a little help from my friends'. Considering what I have been through. Year 2007-- April, diagnosed with prostate cancer, June Diagnosed with kidney failure. Surgery and radiation for Prostate cancer, 8 days in hospital trying to figure out why my kidneys stopped working. They started back up with no treatments, doctors are totally baffled at why they stopped and even more baffling why they started back up again. So...., considering how year 2007 was, now 7 years later, I am healthier than I was then, so, yeah! All my parts are working flawlessly! Mr. Flawless.

    You're too funny to "leave" us yet! :)

    Vinny - you are amazing - keep well - you seem to coping very well with flawless.

    To serve others, my family, my friends, and my community. 

    As part of creation, I had no choice but to live. I’m not sorry though, in fact, I’m somewhat grateful…..

    Like Vinny, everything is performing flawlessly...but the expiration date on all my parts are the same. It is a very far off distant date and I have seen it change depending on what I was doing. Quitting smoking helped amazingly. I keep finding ways to boost the expiration date but it seems to get erratic as I age. 

    Because this mechanism in my brain keeps my lungs pumping air into my bio-system thus keeping me alive so I wake up every day and get up and live!!!



    You know nothing about Rasta ... that is exactly NOT how this god-man passed away at all!
    Mon I don't know about some people's kids these days anyways .... [sparkin'] ;D
    One source says it was suggested to Bob Marley that he needed to have his cancerous big toe surgically removed, “Doctors advised him to have the toe amputated, but he refused, saying “Rasta no abide amputation. I and I don’t allow a mon ta be dismantled.” In his case, not only was the cancer not detected early, but reportedly there was a cultural issue involved in his decision-making process.

    In 1977, his toe was diagnosed with cancer, and by 1980 the cancer had spread to his liver, stomach, and brain. If he had agreed to have the cancerous toe removed, would it have stopped the cancer from spreading and kept him alive? How long had the toe been cancerous, and did his case match the research paper’s observation that over one year passes before the cancer is diagnosed? If Bob Marley’s cancer had been diagnosed early, and removed before it spread, it is reasonable to believe he could still be alive today, barring other mishaps. A recent research study reported about melanoma, “…but more men die from it because of lack of awareness of skin cancer symptoms, ignoring the symptoms or postponing visits to skin doctors.”

    Malignant melanoma is the most deadly form of skin cancer, occurring most frequently in Caucasians. But the first type of cancer Bob Marley had, Acral lentigious melanoma, is more common in African, Asian, and Middle Eastern populations, according to the same research paper cited above. (A Medscape article says it occurs with the same frequency in African-Americans as Caucasians, and is “extremely aggressive”.)

    Read more:

    Not in the least ... he was bound by culture .. Rastafarians "no abide amputation" ...

    to enjoy the birds, bees and trees and to help others.

    Because dying is not as easy as some folk think it is ..........................................................

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