There has been two very violent murders in our local town recently. Three months ago a young man was stabbed over 100 times in the park during the early hours of the morning, and then only last week a young female student from Saudis Arabia who was studying at the local university was stabbed 16 times at 10.30am on a usually busy footpath that leads to the University, this was only 2 miles from my front door. The police have advised that no one goes out alone, it has really shaken the local community.
14 Answers
Being able to defend yourself is a personal responsability. Everyone should know personal defense and emergency preparedness for yourself and others. That is part of life. I have needed those skills many times or I would not be alive now. Knowing how and when to stay out of harms way is vital to personal safety. I have known several people who would kill another person for lunch money...and think nothing of it...beyond not being caught. Not my friends. Folk to avoid.
10 years ago. Rating: 13 | |
Sadly, "another murder" is becoming a daily commentary on local television everywhere. There seems to be so many angry people in the world who, if they don't get what they want, when they want it, they'll just kill you. Where is the sense of "earning", friends, status, popularity, education, etc.? It screams of people wallowing in self pity and doing nothing productive to change their situation. In the meantime, innocent people die.
10 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
Greetings sunnyB;
The one great things about growing up on harsh streets is learning how to avoid a dangerous situation on land. I am now thankful for my very difficult lessons to learn.
As life and evolution moves forward human beings are placing themselves in boxes trusting fewer and fewer. How completely sad are things becoming?
Fortunately the pendulum always swings back.
It may not be in our life time.
Here is your glorious fish of the day wishing you all the very best...
10 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
Yes it is sad that we are becoming desensitized to murder and violence in general. We should not accept this as the norm and should be outraged. If we begin by boycotting the movies and video games which portray such violence, maybe the entertainment industry will take it in the pocket, and there will be less to shape our young citizens.
10 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
No, this is not something we should expect. It should never be anything less than shocking, horrific, unacceptable. Hopefully, the same culprit is responsible for both murders, there is some evidence that leads to the killer, and justice is meted out in record time. THAT part, the last part, is what we should be able to expect.
Be safe, sunnyB
10 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
We had 2 similar murders within a short time of each other right here in my home town recently.Both were young foreign student girls
10 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
There was a senior lady of 90 years old raped a day or so ago sunny,the world has gone mad,
10 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
Thank you all for you answers and comments, it's always a comfort to know friends on aka are feeling the same about things like this. Both of these young people were different, the young man had previously suffered a head injury from an accident, which had left him with special needs, and the young lady being a Muslim was obviously standing out as different, as Tommy said that's sometimes all someone needs to be to get picked on. It's a sad dangerous world at the moment.
10 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
The permanent effect of death has lost it's meaning. Movie stars that get shot and killed in one movie re-spawn in another movie. video games where you can die hundreds of times and continue on killing and dieing. Death has no meaning, its not terminal, it's simply a pause. Add this with Political Correctness and we are not allowed as parents to teach the way humans have instinctively taught our children for 4.5 million years, never disciplining in fear of being arrested for child cruelty. The whole economic greedy system where both parents work, kids are raised at the day care center. and now you have this! I am not surprised that it is getting worse, and I do expect it to get even worse in the future.
10 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
This is a question that has been asked by every generation for several thousand years. It is just as bad now as it was in early Egypt. Writings on tombs indicate that they were worried about the same things we worry about, and they didn't have guns back then. Murder has been around since the beginning of time. Remember that Cain killed Able and wiped out 1/4 of the earths population! Since there has never been a proven antidote to crime, humans will keep on killing each other.
10 years ago. Rating: 7 | |