    What proportion of the human bodyis made up of non-human organisms such as bacteria and viruses??

    +5  Views: 515 Answers: 5 Posted: 10 years ago

    5 Answers

    Your body is also made up of healthy  micro organisms . they are not harmful. Bacteria is harmful

    Your body needs bacteria to survive. It is considered "healthy bacteria". Viruses are foreign to the body which your body fights with anti-bodies.

    It probably depends upon what culture you live in.  There are many where sanitation is not nearly as good as other areas, thus we can guess that there would be more microbes in and on those people...

    My body is mostly an organic hodgepodge of strange weirdness held loosely together in a bag of skin. That it functions somewhat normally is quite odd. However there are the rare red areas indicating a brooding war going on there and other calamities from time to time reminding me that somethings maybe trying to take it all away and kick me out completely.   


    Do you get itchy at night?

    ROMOS - are you serious? - you are young - but older people do get itchy at night and maybe day although not so much - Doctors do not why I think - EURAX oinment is good in case it just happens to be young you with that bug you posted earlier:)

    robertgrist - I know you are lovely anyway.
    I don't know the percentage but I saw somewhere that bacteria have a greater percentage than any other cell

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