6 Answers
Where is Colleen?
10 years ago. Rating: 12 | |

Thanks for your question Hector. The site is so slow and I appreciate the members who try to keep this site interesting by asking questions on here like the one you did tonight. By asking a question that is so general instead of it being about one particular subject you've opened the door for members to speak about an array of subjects. What a great question!
My burning question is why am I so hot at night? I'm cold and then I kick off the blanket because I'm burning up. It's been mentioned to me that it may be menopause, but I thought hot flashes happened during the day also and not only at night. (*~*)
10 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
Maybe you're so hot at night, b/c Romeos is so hot at night ;-)

I think a fan will be added to the grocery list.
....so eat up; you have a long way to go !
Unfortunately, I can't share the things she says. It is made funnier by the fact that she is such an English Lady.
Ducky, a friend of mine said her mother complained of sweating on into her 80s !
Hect, I was waiting with baited breath to click on your question to see your answer, but there has been no answer from you. Im so disappointed :-(
10 years ago. Rating: 5 | |