    U.S. war in Iraq. We're sending 300 military advisers there. When is it going to end?

    "The U.S. war in Iraq has cost $1.7 trillion with an additional $490 billion in benefits owed to war veterans, expenses that could grow to more than $6 trillion over the next four decades counting interest, a study released on Thursday said.

    The war has killed at least 134,000 Iraqi civilians and may have contributed to the deaths of as many as four times that number, according to the Costs of War Project by the Watson Institute for International Studies at Brown University.

    When security forces, insurgents, journalists and humanitarian workers were included, the war's death toll rose to an estimated 176,000 to 189,000, the study said."

    +1  Views: 796 Answers: 4 Posted: 10 years ago
    Tags: iraq war

    4 Answers

    This was caused by Bush and Blair, ISIS rose from the extremists that were left behind when the US and UK forces left Iraq, they were told this would happen, but did they listen?

    NO, this can only get worse.


    Why does Bush get the blame? And Blair? I can't speak for parliament but I will speak for US Congress, the CIA supplied the information on WMD's, many of our democrats as well as republicans choose war. Hillary and Kerry, two of the biggest supporters in this decision but still it's Bush's fault! Bush said himself that this war would last many years. Bush is blamed for the war, Obama takes credit for ending it, now its worse than ever and once again it's Bush's fault. This war will NEVER end. IMHO, I think we should pull out completely and let the chips fall where they may fall. Now that 'OBAMA' has freed five of the worst offenders, we need to be vigilant in our own home lands. We need to curtail PC and put it in its place. There will never be equality, there will always be those that hate the free world and we should not pander to them on our own soil when they care less for PC and their objective is simply to kill.

    Bush was the President,Blair was our PM, they are both culpable,doesn't really matter what went before or after their terms in government, they sanctioned the operations in the Middle East.

    the 2nd George Bush did lay waste to that country.And caused a terrible waste of human lives and money. And for no reason. He should have gone after the country that sanctified the terrorists that attacked the U.S.

    I feel the same way Vin...

    You know all I hear on out liberal TV is blame bush! Blame the Republicans for everything! There's not ONE liberal democrat that would ever stand up and admit that they have made a mistake! It's blame game to them, meanwhile due to this ongoing ego problem, people die but as long as they can blame the republicans then its not their problem and they only want o pander to their voters. This has got to stop! The blaming needs to stop and solutions in bipartisan relationships need to start. We need to recognize the enemy, we need to stop MSNBC/FOX etc from fanning the fire that THEY started.. So if there is blame, I blame media and their greedy pandering to the radicals on both sides! Freedom of the press needs boundries but not dictatorship. We have a common enemy, we need to recognize this major threat and kill it! Whatever it takes to make it go away. Looking for that utopian world never existed, it never will and the attempt to make it so is making the USA the laughing stock to our enemies. Quit feeling guilty for everything that goes wrong in the world and step forward and fix it! Some people won't like it, that's just tough! You rather blame Bush than realize the problem is your unwillingness to fix it! Rather talk about who's problem is was rather than who's problem it is. we are in a serious situation right now and all of these partisan politics, who is going to run for president in 2016, IRS, Benghazi, AP, Fast and Furious, etc., all of this needs to stop, Obama will not be impeached, not going to jail, give it up and remember what team you're playing on. It's not democrat or Republican, Liberal or Conservative, we are all on Team Peace and the only way to get there is be strong enough to fight for it, as one!

    Very well said, Vin. Run for some office, we need good common sense to our politics to get results without fear of pissing off some constituents...

    If I had the time I would but like everyone else, all I have to make my voice clear is my right to vote. It's not much but its a voice that doesn't travel alone. Hopefully, enough people will vote for issues rather that media hype and ethnic/gender preference. I just don't see this happening as we are sold politics just like they sell us soap on TV. We are victims of mass marketing and we fall prey easily with their promises of whiter clothes. Promises sell products, promises elect people, promises are broken.

    Iraq doesn't want a democracy and they never did. They will always be warring with each other. It's in their blood.

    We in U/K have had an enquiry into the so called Intellegents Mi5/Mi6, given at the time,which was found to be badly wrong,alongside with your C,I,A,Bush and Blair followed this,They and thier aids took on board the wrong imformation ,So the buck stops thier,and with so maney thounsands dead ,They shoud be held to Account for thier Actions ,    ;-/

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