    It said in the Nat Geo that 25,000 elephants were killed last year for their tusks ! ! !

    That is heart breaking. Makes me wanna cry. Elephants are wonderful animals. We all have to ban together to start a movement to stop this atrocity !!

    +6  Views: 574 Answers: 4 Posted: 10 years ago
    Tags: elephants

    rhinos too

    4 Answers

    If you have seen pictures of the carnage, it will burn into your memory.  It is a horrible sight.  Should there be something we could actually do that would have an effect on this despicable practice, I'm in... 


    It is so heartbreaking Bob,when will they ever learn???????

    Possibly when someone is hiding in the bushes and shoots those poachers with a tranquilizer gun, then castrates them while they are passed out?

    And they use saws to cut off the whole face! Not just the tusk…… Don’t buy ivory of any sort…...

    From Yahoo:   They do not die if they are trimmed off. To remove the tusk however requires a very large chunk taken out of the elephants face and into the skull because the tusk goes back 10 to 15 inches (depending on the size of the elephant and its tusks) back into the head. A wound that size would prevent the elephant from feeding (It is in the upper jaw remember). Circus elephants are often trimmed and wild elephants especially bulls usually break them off many times during their life. But this is outside the skull. 

    Hi M-cat;

    It is nothing short of a shock that this practice continues.  It is completely upsetting.  Living proof that the human skull is a hard nut to crack.

    One would think it is possible for human beings to evolve and 'brain up'.  However, ruining Mother Earth and all of her blessings seems to be the 'task at hand'.  ... "Ville de Stupid", he we come.  This is one of the problems we face as human kind that actually is a global problem. 

    (I could go on for ages but, it is best that I stop as I can feel my blood beginning to boil.).

    Here is your fish of the week.  I say 'week' as the Damselfish family is large, colourful and extremely cute...


    Have a glorious day in your own way.  Live with hope. 

    This for me, is a very sad subject.

    The poachers who kill elephants sell the ivory to the Chinese market to make trinkets. The money the poachers make is used to pay for arming terrorist organisations such as Boko Harum, the group which captured 200 girls in Nigeria recently.

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