    Happy Fathers' Day to all the fathers out there, including the ones that are in heaven like mine What did you learn from your father ? .

    +7  Views: 2207 Answers: 11 Posted: 10 years ago
    Tags: family

    We didn't know Oz had a fathers' day :-\

    11 Answers

    My Father died when I was 7yrs young, I learned a lot from my Mother about him, I think she did him proud.


    that's great that your mum made him real to you. You remember him a little , don't you ?

    I remember very little about my Dad, he was a WW11 commando, I've tried to get his records but they are tied up till 2040, perhaps my son will get to know him better than I did.

    That manners are important……...

    Honesty counts even if you may make less money in your "dealings".

    My dad (1914-2001) taught by example.  He had a sign in the "shop", where minor repairs and tire changes were made to the semis, "Put it back where you found it", and tools, etc. were always exactly where they belonged.  He kept the 8 acre truck yard spotless and pavement pristine. 

    From my dad, I learned that your word needs to be more reliable than a signed contract. 

    AND, most important, I learned that EVERY day IS a good day; it's just that some are better than others. 

    Thanks Julie altho it's not Father's day over here until September.



    sounds like a great guy, Tommy.

    Unfortunately my father passed away 30+ years ago, he had an incredible green thumb, he could get anything to grow, i wished i took more noticed at how he accomplished this, all i can grow is weeds. The other thing is if i want to know something about our ancestors i have no one to ask anymore, i really miss him ---- Happy Father's day, Dad.


    Thank you for your positive entry, bullet, to show that we can still commemorate Father's Day, even if our father has passed on.



    those flying fish are amazing. I didn't know that even some catfish are flying.

    In the words of my mom--or Mum to you in the UK.   "You are your father all over again'  So, I guess he taught me everything that he was making me him.  I think that's a good thing, he was a great person.


    Then you were a great father to your kids, Vin, b/c we learn how to be parents from our parents

    I only have one son, not counting Oakland. But you're right, I had wonderful parents, both are gone now but never a day goes by that I don't think of them and thank them for all they taught me. I have raised a son, he's now 35 years old and doing very well, has never give me a problem, very proud of him too!

    I grew up without a dad from when I was very young, as there was a divorce.   I did have a mom who did an excellent job with both roles.  She taught us more than most of my friends learned from their dads!  I can fix and build almost anything, I know that I can do most of what I would pay others to do, if I do my research and give it a try!  These traits I learned from a mom who brought up 6 kids alone! 


    Mom sounds like an awesome lady! I hope you still have her in your life. Not an easy task to raise a family of six single-handed.

    Regretfully, she is not still with us, she died at an early age from Uterine cancer at age 63, back in '94. She was quite the hoot! No kids went to jail, a couple to college, and all productive citizens earned their own way. She had some mental health issues, but go figure...

    What a great lady, bustie

    I didn't say that she was a lady, she drank and swore like a truck driver. But she was a great person behind the tough persona and hard life she was dealt.

    A lot of good moms have kids who end up getting in trouble, bustie. A lot of terrible parents have kids who are exemplary citizens. While I don't believe it takes a village to raise a kid, I believe there's a lot of influence in the village.
    You had a real person for a mom, loved her, and honor her memory. Every mom should be so fortunate.

    thanks Bob, I agree about the community providing mentors to assist families. I had an older man who I worked for pealing bark from cedar logs for log cabins, which he built. He taught me to drive, as my mom was much too nervous and difficult to drive next to. I learned much from using that draw knife to strip bark from those many logs. He also hooked me up with some summer residents of his village, and I dug foundations and laid cement blocks to close in to winterize their cabins. I was maybe 16 or 17 then.

    I like that. I don't think my kids didn't have a very good example of a work ethic from their dad. They are OK with him now, but there's no a lot of respect for him on the whole. They are coming into their own, though, and becoming responsible, trustworthy men....finally!

    See determination in him works endlessly and this has earned him promotions  from a secondary school teacher to a regional inspector of pedagogy to a director in the department of pedagogy in ministry of basic education in ma country

    He visited his 3 kids when we were in a state home,i was maybe 8,never seen him again,,>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    That's sad, Terry :-(
    terryfossil 1

    I guess so MCM,i somehow reckon i missed out on something,and if i dwell on it,it kinda bugs me,so better to not think about it,<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>..

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