    Great Australian Dream    A couple of beauty's i think..??????  the words say it all

    +8  Views: 1454 Answers: 10 Posted: 10 years ago

    Sorry Terry but the sound doesn't carry all the way to the UK, all I get is the video and silence.
    terryfossil 1

    sorry about that Romos,you could try -utube The Great Australian Dream ( Graeme Conners ) the other one, same singer song name ..These Uncertain Times....let me know how it goes,,,i hope you like country Romos..>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    country bumpkin

    The only country he likes is Country Bumpkin LOL. (I've managed to introduce him to some country music he likes)
    terryfossil 1

    I think he might be a bit one eyed there CB,,Send me your best country song CB....Always nice talking<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>
    country bumpkin

    I don't have a favorite country song Terry. I'm a big fan of the country artists my mother listened to when I was growing up. Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, Merle Haggard, Vern Gosden, John Denver, Tanya Tucker etc.
    terryfossil 1

    I like all of them bar Willie Nelson,,But my wife LOVES Willie Nelson..>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< always nice talking CB...

    C B- - -did you introduce him to the old school country ? or Toby Keith ? Maybe he would like the old stuff better than the new. the new country isn't that melodic .
    terryfossil 1

    I do like Toby Kieth Mcm,,I like songs that carry a message,,I am a very proud Aussie,,And i like songs about the Heroes and Villians of my country,,That is not to belittle anybody else country,,everybody should have the pride of their country running through their veins,,,
    country bumpkin

    MCM he's had a taste of both.

    10 Answers

    Yeah Terry,but do they know who Slim Dusty was? RIP Slim. A true Aussie.

    terryfossil 1

    I would say no Tom,But hey,he is Aussie not American,and that's all right,i am proud he is an Aussie,he was a true gentleman Tom....

    He sure was Terry & he left behind a legacy that will always be a part of "True Australia".

    Got it mate, not really my cup of tea (so to speak) I understand the sentiment though.

    terryfossil 1

    Try listening to it with a cup of scotch Romos

    Not bad but not great. Lots of other country songs that are waaaaaay better. (Sorry terry, your aka gang has voted you down!)       LOL!!


    Yeah...It's really an Aussie thing Ducky....You wouldn't understand...LOL

    Ok, you Aussies :)
    terryfossil 1

    You mean you did not notice Duck..(different ) ..the words are the most important part of the songs,,for me ,the words of a song carry a message..Check out what i mean..>>>><<<<<
    terryfossil 1

    hey Duck,the girl singing this song,got told by one of her fans he would not listen to her songs anymore,because she went overseas to sing to our diggers,Personally i think she can do without fans like that..she is a dinkum Aussie.................Always nice talking Duck

    Fans are fickle.

    I enjoyed the music and the show. Could have been made in TEXAS except for the funny looking trees and they’re going to wreck driving like that, on the wrong side of the street and all…...

    terryfossil 1

    Hang on a minute JH, who's on the wrong side????

    Yes i agree why do the Americans drive on the wrong side of the road,??Julie,

    Uh, we drive on the RIGHT side of the road. Understand? The RIGHT!
    terryfossil 1

    JH ,in my country,me and you gonna crash,you will be in the wrong>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    Well, don’t drive here in Austin. It was named worse drivers in the whole U.S.!!!!!!

    It makes more sense to drive on the right side of the road.
    terryfossil 1

    Only if your steering wheel is on the left side of your vehicle MCM.........

    I tried to educate a few drivers about what side to drive on while I was in Texas.All I got for my trouble was road rage.Hahahaha!

    Points for the singing 6,for the dancing dog 9,and for driving on the correct side of the road 10 points,


    HA Ha ha……...

    He is similar to our own country singers, maybe better, he sings about topical issues, and does it in an excellent way, great sound!

    terryfossil 1

    Thanks Bustie>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    I'm not a big listener of Country music, but his voice was clear and sincere and the video was beautiful.  Thank you for sharing!!!

    I Think you have a good singer in John Paul Young Terry,

    Surely the greatest Aussie folk song is Waltzing Matilda, words by Banjo Paterson, who was the grandfather of Sir Les Paterson. (Wasn't he?)

    terryfossil 1

    Possibly Nom,i do not think Banjo had much in common with les and Dame Edna,,Damn thats scary..>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    We learned that song in grade school. loved to sing it, even tho' it's sad.
    terryfossil 1

    MCM,the song is about a sheep thief, who did not want to get caught,so he committed suicide by drowning in a billabong.We sing Waltzing Matilda at rugby union games..And i truly hope NOM is joking about Les Paterson..

    Another good one 'Along the road to Gundagai' dating from 1920's. Hear it sung by Slim Dusty on Youtube.

    terryfossil 1

    Missing Slim.....a great song sung by Lee Kernaghan....Your up with Aussie stuff Nom....

    Worked in Oz (Walgett NSW) for several months, wifeys son in Melbourne, loving it.
    terryfossil 1

    Did not want to stay..???????????????????????

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